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(b) A Person subject to the requirements of this Ordinance shall provide or arrange for access <br />during all Inspections (with the exception of a private residential dwelling unit) and shall <br />cooperate with the Enforcement Agency during such Inspections and investigations. Such <br />Inspections and investigations may include confirmation of proper placement of materials <br />in containers, inspection of Edible Food Recovery activities, review of required records, or <br />other verification or Inspection to confirm compliance with any other requirement of this <br />Ordinance. Failure to provide or arrange for: (i) access to the premises; (ii) installation and <br />operation of Remote Monitoring equipment, if a Remote Monitoring program is adopted; <br />or (iii) access to records for any Inspection or investigation is a violation of this Ordinance <br />and may result in penalties described in Section 3-24-210. <br />(c) Any records obtained by the Enforcement Agency during Inspections, Remote Monitoring, <br />and other reviews shall be subject to the requirements and applicable disclosure exemptions <br />of the California Public Records Act as set forth in Government Code Section 6250 et seq. <br />(d) The Enforcement Agency is authorized to conduct any Inspections, Remote Monitoring, <br />or other investigations as reasonably necessary to further the goals of this Ordinance, <br />subject to applicable laws. <br />(e) The Enforcement Agency shall accept written complaints from persons regarding an entity <br />that may be potentially non -compliant with this Ordinance. <br />(f) The Enforcement Agency for the provisions of this Section is the Member Agency and any <br />Designee authorized by the Member Agency to enforce one or more sections of this <br />Ordinance. <br />3-24-210 Enforcement <br />(a) Violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall constitute grounds for issuance of a <br />Notice of Violation and assessment of a fine by the Enforcement Agency. Enforcement <br />Actions under this Ordinance are issuance of an administrative citation and assessment of <br />a fine. The Enforcement Agency's procedures on imposition of administrative citations and <br />fines as contained shall govern the imposition, enforcement, collection, and review of <br />administrative citations and fines issued to enforce this Ordinance and any rule or <br />regulation adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, except as otherwise indicated in this <br />Ordinance. <br />(b) Other remedies allowed by law may be used, including civil action or prosecution as a <br />misdemeanor or infraction. The Enforcement Agency may pursue civil actions in the <br />California courts to seek recovery of unpaid administrative citations, and fines. The <br />Enforcement Agency may choose to delay court action until such time as a sufficiently <br />large number of violations, or cumulative size of violations exist such that court action is <br />a reasonable use of Enforcement Agency staff and resources. <br />(c) Process for Enforcement. <br />