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Agmt to Conds 14655 Wicks Blvd 12012021
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt to Conds 14655 Wicks Blvd 12012021
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Agreement to Conditions
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40. Provide accessible path of travel from public right of way and accessible parking <br />to, offices, employee work, restrooms, and employee break room. <br />41. Provide accessible clearances for all accessible spaces. <br />42. All exterior walking surfaces shall be ADA compliant. <br />43. Provide CO detection system (Carbon Monoxide). <br />44. Clarify hazardous material quantities that will be stored on site; identify if oil is <br />the only material. <br />45. Clarify how hazardous materials will be disposed. <br />46. Provide location of compressed air tanks. <br />47. Provide information on what type of forklifts will be repaired at this site. <br />48. Provide information on truck wash bay drainage filtration system. <br />49. Clarify what will be stored in production maintenance storage area. <br />50. All revision clouds and deltas added during Planning approval must be removed <br />prior to submitting to Building for permit. <br />51. Information provided on civil plans such as accessible path of travel, accessible <br />parking, utilities, and exterior lighting locations shall be shown on the submitted <br />architectural site plans. <br />VI. CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS <br />52. Construction Hours. Construction on the project site shall not begin prior to 7:00 <br />am Monday through Friday, and prior to 8 am on Saturday and Sunday, and shall <br />cease by 7:00 pm each evening, unless otherwise approved by the Chief <br />Building Official. There shall be no construction on Federal holidays. Interior <br />construction shall be permitted outside the above hours provided that <br />construction noise shall not be detectable outside of the structures being built. <br />53. Construction Activity. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise or safety <br />hazards for adjacent residents and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked <br />onto surrounding streets including Wicks Blvd. from the project site during <br />construction. <br />VII. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES <br />54. Any changes that affect the information reported in the site's Hazardous <br />Materials Business Plan in the California Environmental Reporting System <br />(CERS ID: 10414651) require update and resubmittal of the Plan. Per <br />Government Code Section 65850.2, the City shall not issue a final certificate of <br />occupancy or its equivalent until the HMBP requirements are met. The <br />resubmittal requirement will be an Environmental Services condition of approval <br />for the building permit final. <br />55. Discharge of anything other than rainwater to the stormwater collection system, <br />which includes area drains, sidewalks, parking areas, street curb and gutter, is <br />prohibited. <br />Agreement to Conditions September 16, 2021 <br />PLN21-011 14655 Wicks Blvd. Page 7 of 10 <br />
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