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<br />San Leandro Public Library <br />Memory Lab <br />2021-2022 <br />40-9281 <br />Page 10 of 40 <br />Examples of audit documentation may include, but not limited to, competitive <br />bids, grant amendments, if any, relating to the budget or work plan, copies of <br />any agreements with contractors or subcontractors if utilized, expenditure <br />ledger, payroll register entries, time sheets, personnel expenditure summary form, <br />travel expense log, paid warrants, contracts and change orders, samples of <br />items and materials developed with grant funds, invoices and/or cancelled <br />checks. <br /> <br />8. Authorized Representative: Subrecipient and the California State Library <br />mutually represent that their authorized representatives have the requisite legal <br />authority to sign on their organization’s behalf. <br /> <br />9. Communication: All communications from either party, including an interim <br />check-in at any time during the grant term, shall be directed to the respective <br />Grant Monitor or representative of the California State Library or Subrecipient. For <br />this purpose, the following contact information is provided below: <br /> <br />San Leandro Public Library California State Library <br />Brian Simons Michelle KillianMichelle Killian <br />San Leandro Main Library, 300 Estudillo <br />Ave <br />900 N Street <br />San Leandro, CA, 94577 Sacramento, CA 95814 <br />510-577-3942 916-603-6706 <br /> <br /> <br />10. Confidentiality: Subrecipient will maintain as confidential any material it receives <br />or produces that is marked Confidential or is inherently confidential, or is <br />protected by privilege. Subrecipient agrees to alert the State Library to this status <br />in advance, and State Library agrees to maintain this status in conformity with <br />the Public Records Act. <br /> <br />11. Contractor and Subcontractors: Nothing contained in this Grant Agreement or <br />otherwise shall create any contractual relation between the State and any <br />contractor or subcontractors, and no contract or subcontract shall relieve the <br />Subrecipient of their responsibilities and obligations hereunder. The Subrecipient <br />agrees to be as fully responsible to the State for the acts and omissions of its <br />contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, student interns and of persons either <br />directly or indirectly employed by any of them as it is for the acts and omissions <br />of persons directly employed by the Subrecipient. The Subrecipient’s obligation <br />to pay its contractors and subcontractors is an independent obligation from the <br />State’s obligation to make payments to the Subrecipient. As a result, the State <br />shall have no obligation to pay or to enforce the payment of any monies to any <br />contractor or subcontractor. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BFA82BFD-E288-4CA3-B9FB-BAC4531C0FB0 <br />In Process