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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2022- <br /> <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL ENDORSING THE <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY HOME TOGETHER 2026 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN <br />WHEREAS, the Home Together 2026 Implementation Plan (Home Together <br />2026) is a community-wide plan for Alameda County which lays out the goals, strategies, <br />and investments needed to dramatically reduce homelessness by 2026 and reverse racial <br />disparities in homelessness through fully centering equity; and <br />WHEREAS, on any given night over 8,000 people experience homelessness in <br />Alameda County, a number that grows to approximately 15,000 people over the course of <br />a year; and <br />WHEREAS, more than 90% of the households in Alameda County are adults <br />without children, including nearly 10% who are between the ages of 18 and 24; and <br />WHEREAS, dramatic racial disparities exist in Alameda County as in the nation <br />as a whole, and the homeless population does not reflect the demographics of the county; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, in Alameda County, African Americans experience homelessness at <br />more than four times their representation in the population (47% vs. 11%); and <br />WHEREAS, in Alameda County, Native Americans, multiracial people and <br />Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islanders are all vastly overrepresented in homelessness, among <br />those newly homeless and in the rates at which they return to homelessness even after <br />getting into housing; and <br />WHEREAS, Home Together 2026 builds and is informed by existing local and <br />regional plans, including the 2020 Centering Racial Equity in Homeless System Design <br />report (CRE), All Home Regional Action Plan, and Plan Bay Area 2050; and <br />WHEREAS, Home Together 2026 is also responsive to requirements laid out in <br />the California Comeback Plan necessary to receive critical State housing and health <br />funding; and <br /> WHEREAS, the homeless system modeling conducted in 2019-2020 and updated <br />in 2021 points to significant gaps in the current system in terms of both housing resources <br />and program types; and <br />WHEREAS, only an estimated 36% of those experiencing homelessness can be <br />supported by the current system’s resources or are able to find housing or leave <br />homelessness on their own; and <br />WHEREAS, without significant effort and investment including prevention, shelter <br />expansion, increasing housing solutions, and strengthening the system’s overall capacity, <br />homelessness in Alameda County will continue to grow; and <br />WHEREAS, the total estimated cost of needed investments over the coming five <br />years to fully meet the need is $2.5 billion, including approximately $430 million for <br />additional shelter, $1.68 billion for permanent housing such as dedicated affordable