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Overall Sentiment <br />Guest User <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 6:15pm 02-14-22 <br />I fully support plans to establish community police oversight in San Leandro with a Police Review Board <br />composed of a panel of residents that reflects the diversity of our city and includes those who are most impacted <br />by policing policies and actions. The proposed hybrid model joining the Review Board with an Independent Police <br />Auditor would provide strong community input along with monitoring of the SLPD and investigations when <br />needed. I feel strongly that current sworn police officers should NOT be seated on the panel, but there may be <br />value in recruiting officers who have been retired for three or more years to serve as non-voting advisors. Please <br />ensure that the Board will have adequate staffing and financial support in order to function fully and <br />independently. Thank you for your consideration. Carol Bardoff, 978 Begier Avenue, SL 94577 <br />Robert Bailey <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 11:28pm 02-13-22 <br />Honorable Mayor, Council members, and City Manager, <br />First, I want to express my appreciation for the core elements the City Manager is recommending as a framework <br />for a viable hybrid civilian police oversight model for our City at this Council work session, They provide a solid <br />foundation and align well with much of the proposals received from the community. Thank you! I acknowledge, <br />too, the City Manager's choice to defer to the Council certain questions regarding term limits, ex-police officer <br />eligibility for Community Police Review Board service, and any budget earmarks for ongoing funding support. <br />However, based on NACOLE's research on effective oversight practices nationally and my own professional <br />oversight experience, I feel strongly that the Council needs to consider additional key elements to clarify its intent. <br />In my view the City Attorney needs sufficient direction to draft an enabling ordinance with fewer unstated <br />assumptions and less ambiguity. The clearer the intent now, the more likely the oversight ordinance will be <br />implemented in a manner that meets public expectations and is sustainable in the long term. <br />So, I apologize in advance if the following additional elements that I propose for inclusion in the ordinance seem <br />too technical or wonkish, But I honestly believe incorporating these specifics will strengthen the ordinance and <br />enhance the prospects for a successful launch of this important initiative: <br />1. Statement of the Purpose and Structure of San Leandro's Civilian Police Oversight process: <br />(a) Establish an independent and diverse Community Police Review Board (CPRB) that ensures community <br />participation in the establishment of police policies and procedures, promotes public trust, increases <br />accountability, and ensures that police operations reflect community values. <br />(b) Establish an Independent Police Auditor (IPA) to ensure prompt, thorough, fair and impartial investigations of <br />all allegations of misconduct against San Leandro Police Department employees. <br />(c) The CPRB and IPA shall be separate entities whose respective functions are coordinated through the City <br />Manager. <br />2. Development of Administrative Procedures to operationalize the Ordinance: <br />The CPRB shall develop procedures to execute its mandated functions, in consultation with the City Manager and <br />subject to ratification by the City Council.