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File Number: 22-292 <br />The City applied for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 cycle of the Rubberized Pavement Grant Program <br />in September 2021. CalRecycle notified the City in mid-December 2021 that they did not have <br />enough funding to award a grant to the City of San Leandro. However, CalRecycle notified the <br />City on April 13, 2022 that it is able to award a FY 2021-2022 Rubberized Pavement Grant to the <br />City due to reallocated monies. <br />In 2010, asphalt rubber chip seal was used for the first time in San Leandro as part of the Annual <br />Street Sealing 2009-2010 Project and was used on subsequent projects with satisfactory results. <br />The City previously received five CalRecycle Rubberized Pavement Grants that were applied <br />toward multiple Capital Improvement Program road projects. <br />Analysis <br />The Rubberized Pavement Grant Program, if awarded to the City, will help pay for materials used <br />for paving should the City decide to incorporate asphalt rubber in its annual street paving project. <br />The grant will also pay for some materials used in rubberized cape seal. Although rubberized <br />materials cost more than their conventional counterparts, they are more durable and do a better <br />job of resisting reflective cracking. The grant program allows rubberized materials to be cost <br />competitive with traditional asphalt materials. Free technical support is included as part of the <br />Rubberized Pavement Grant Program, to provide assistance during the design and construction <br />phases to ensure proper installation and successful projects. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·The application and utilization of CalRecycle grant funding for road projects is consistent <br />with the 2021 City Council goal to maintain and enhance San Leandro's infrastructure. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On March 7, 2011, the City Council by Resolution No. 2011-055 authorized the City <br />Manager to file an application for the CalRecycle Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Grant <br />Program for five years commencing on the resolution adoption date. <br />·On November 21, 2016, the City Council by Resolution No. 2016-157 authorized the City <br />Manager to file an application for the CalRecycle Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Grant <br />Program for five years commencing on the resolution adoption date. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·This action is consistent with Transportation Policy T-5.3 of the General Plan for regular <br />maintenance of City streets and Action Item T-5.3.A: Funding for Maintenance. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·The bid advertisement of future road projects will be advertised in multiple languages in <br />various newspapers. <br />·Residents and businesses directly impacted by the future roadwork will be notified in <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/27/2022