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Reso 2022-062 Vacation of Easement at 960 San Leandro Boulevard
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2022-062 Vacation of Easement at 960 San Leandro Boulevard
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Last modified
12/21/2023 8:29:19 AM
Creation date
5/10/2022 4:15:02 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2022\Packet 05022022
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run in favor of the Agency for the enure period during which such covenants shall be in force and <br />effect, without regard to wheth:r the Agency is or remains an owner of any land or interest therein to <br />which such covenants relate. The Agency, in the event of any breach of any such covenants, shall <br />have the right to exercise all dw rights and remedies and to maintain any actions at law or suits in <br />equity or other proper proceedi rigs to enforce the truing of such breach. <br />11. Revisions to Grant Deed. Both Agency, its successors and assigns, and Developer <br />and the successors and assigns of Developer in and to all or any part of the fee title to the Property <br />shall have the right with the mutual consent of the Agency to consent and agree to changes in, or to <br />eliminate in whole or in part, any of the covenants, easements or restrictions contained in this Grant <br />Deed without the consent of any tenant. lessee, easement holder, Developer, mortgagee, trustee, <br />beneficiary under a deed of tru,tt or any otter person or entity having any interest less than a fee in <br />the Property However, Developer and Agency are obligated to give written notice to and obtain the <br />consent of any first mortgagee prior to consent or agreement between the patties concerning such <br />changes to this Grant Deed The covenants contained in this Grant Deed, without regard to technical <br />classification, shall not benefit or be enforceable by any owner of any other real property within or <br />outside the Pro9ect Area, or any person or entity having any interest in any other such realty No <br />amendment to the Redevelopment Plan shall requme the consent of the Developer, provided that, for <br />purposes of this provision, the development and operation of the Property in conformity with the <br />Agreement will be deemed to comply with the Redevelopment Plan as so amended <br />AGENCY. <br />REDEVElAPbfEW AGENCY OF THE CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO. a public body, corporate and <br />politic <br />By <br />Jermams, Executive Director <br />ATTEST: <br />Secretary the Agency DEVELOPER: <br />CREEKSIDE ASSOCIATES, L a Caltfomia <br />I tliability company David C Inner, g Member <br />T. LAWRENCE JETT, a married man as his sole <br />and senwase property <br />C-10 <br />D0CS0C174604I v4VABI0= <br />
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