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File Number: 22-244 <br />The proposed Tentative Map will assist the City in meeting its obligations under the DDA and will <br />configure land for the leases. All land west of Monarch Bay Drive will remain under City <br />ownership. <br />The planning entitlements for the private elements of the Shoreline Development Project will be <br />brought to the Planning Commission and City Council separately. No development is authorized <br />pursuant to the Tentative Map approval, as noted in the Conditions of Approval. <br />Public outreach on the design of the public park and Bay Trail extension is anticipated to resume <br />this summer. <br />Previous Actions <br />See Attachment B for a list of prior Council Actions on the Shoreline public-private partnership <br />project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The project is consistent with the General Plan’s goals, policies, and objectives. The Tentative <br />Map includes parcels with General Plan land use designations of Commercial Community District <br />(Planned Development), Commercial Recreational District, Residential Multi-Family (22 <br />DU/Acre) (Planned Development), and Residential Multi-Family (24 DU/Acre) (Planned <br />Development). The purpose of these established land use designations is to provide a mix of <br />commercial, residential, and recreational activities in alignment with the proposed Shoreline <br />Development. The pertinent General Plan goals, policies, and actions that apply to the Shoreline <br />Development project include: <br />Goal LU-9. Reinforce the San Leandro Shoreline as a regional destination for dining, <br />lodging, entertainment, and recreation, while creating a new waterfront neighborhood with <br />housing, retail, and office uses. <br />Policy LU-9.1 Waterfront Enhancement. Enhance the San Leandro waterfront as a <br />distinguished recreational shoreline and conservation area, with complementary activities <br />that boost its appeal as a destination for San Leandro residents and visitors. Future <br />development at the Shoreline should be compatible with the area's scenic and recreational <br />qualities. <br />Policy LU-9.3. Public Amenities in Shoreline Development. Ensure that future <br />development at the Shoreline includes complementary amenities that benefit San Leandro <br />residents and current shoreline users, such as improved park space, restaurants, <br />pedestrian and bicycle paths, and access to the Bay Trail. <br />Policy LU-9.4. Land Use Mix. Strive for a mix of land uses in the San Leandro Shoreline <br />area that requires little or no City investment and results in a Shoreline that is financially <br />self-supporting. Development should be phased in a manner that is consistent with this <br />policy, and should maximize the extent to which commercial development funds public <br />amenities and services. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/11/2022