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File Number: 21-758 <br />standards. <br />The second Options Exploration Phase included evaluating options for updated standards to <br />achieve high quality development while addressing key findings of the analysis and assessment <br />project phase, including: <br />·Workshop #2 - a live, on-line interactive workshop was held on July 29, 2021 via Zoom to <br />get community feedback on a variety of options for updated Zoning standards grouped <br />into four topical areas-Design, Parking Requirements, Achieving Intended Development <br />Types, and Transitions. Approximately 20 community members participated in the <br />workshop, along with facilitators from the City and consultant team. <br />·Survey #2 - an online survey tool replicated the workshop materials for broader feedback <br />from the community. A total of 291 participants visited the survey site and there were 70 <br />active contributors. The survey included a comment section where participants could add <br />comments, as well as read and reply to one another. <br />·Project documents: Community Survey (Options to Consider) Summary and Community <br />Workshop #2 Materials and Summary <br />The Preparation of Draft Amendments Phase included: <br />·Evaluation of feedback from Workshop #2 and Survey #2 to distill topics to address in <br />Draft Amendments. <br />·Preparation of Draft Amendments and Summary Documents for public review ahead of <br />formal adoption hearings. Appendix B provides a correspondence table of the ‘Options to <br />Consider’ and the related draft code amendments. <br />·A public review draft of Section 4.04.336 Multi-family and Mixed-Use Residential <br />Development and related amendments to the Zoning Code was released for public review <br />October 6-20, 2021. <br />·Online ‘office hours’ where people could sign up for time slots to review the amendments <br />and ask questions individually or in small groups were offered on October 18th and 19th, <br />2021. <br />·Project documents: Public Review Draft Amendments with Appendices. <br />The fourth and final phase will consist of creating Final Standards and Users Guides after the City <br />Council makes a final determination on the Draft Amendments. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Proposed Amendments <br />The proposed Zoning Code amendments would establish objective development and design <br />standards to achieve high-quality multi-family and residential mixed-use development projects. <br />The amendments include proposed changes to the following Zoning Code regulations: <br />·Citywide Standards that apply generally to multi-family and mixed-use development <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/30/2021 <br />21