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File Number: 21-758 <br />citywide; <br />·District Regulations, which specify the land use and development standards for each base <br />zoning district in the City, including Residential, Commercial and Professional, Bay Fair <br />Transit Oriented Development (B-TOD), Industrial, and Public Service districts; <br />·Administrative Provisions, which include procedures applicable to review procedures and <br />approvals, including Site Plan Review and Administrative Exceptions; and <br />·Related Cleanups that eliminate redundancies, delete obsolete standards and <br />references, and update cross-references. <br />Citywide Standards <br />Multi-family and Mixed-Use Residential Development: Draft Zoning Code Section 4.04.336, <br />Multi-family and Mixed-Use Residential Development, establishes design standards applicable to <br />all new multi-family and mixed-use development citywide with the exception of the B-TOD District, <br />which has its own Specific Plan and design standards. A summary of the proposed standards is <br />also included as Attachment 1 along with the redlined draft Amendments. The proposed <br />standards address the following topic areas: <br />Engaging Ground Level <br /> <br />Buildings are required to be oriented to the street and pedestrian walkways, with regular, <br />emphasized entrances. A menu of acceptable methods of emphasizing entrances, including <br />projections and recesses, is provided to allow flexibility in meeting the standard. For residential <br />units, standards are included for shared entrances, where there is a common entrance with a <br />lobby, as well as ground level entrances to individual units where the transition between the public <br />and private realm is a consideration. <br />Requirements for ground level transparency (i.e., doors and windows) are included for <br />nonresidential uses and common areas of residential uses that face streets and pedestrian <br />walkways. <br />Building Design <br />Requirements for building offsets, window trim, façade detailing, colors, and materials to create <br />visual variety and avoid a large-scale and bulky appearance. <br /> <br />·Roof lines: Roof lines are required to be varied, complement the building architecture, and <br />designed to screen roof-mounted equipment. <br />·Facades: Blank walls over 30 feet are prohibited and massing breaks are required for <br />long facades. Buildings of three or more stories are required to implement design features <br />to distinguish upper and lower floors. Townhomes are required to provide distinction <br />between individual units. <br />·Windows and openings: Minimum depth of window trim and recesses are required for <br />residential uses. <br />·Façade details: All facades are required to incorporate design details, including window <br />trim, cornices, and changes in materials. A minimum of three colors and materials are <br />required for each façade. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/30/2021 <br />22