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8F Consent
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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0035 <br />Project No. 157900 <br /> <br />Page 11 of 16 <br /> 2021 PFA Version <br />ALAMEDA CTC will deobligate any remaining ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS from PROJECT and <br />this AGREEMENT. <br /> <br />14. Each Right-of-Way transaction which is funded either wholly or in part with ALAMEDA CTC <br />ADMINISTERED FUNDS shall be subject to repayment or reimbursement to ALAMEDA CTC under ALAMEDA <br />CTC Policies in effect as of the effective date of this AGREEMENT, irrespective of the party holding title to <br />the real estate which is the subject of the Right-of-Way transaction in question. The parties agree that Section <br />III.15(a) through Section III.15(f), the provisions of which are intended to provide further detail regarding <br />the application of such Policies, shall govern the extent to which such repayment is required and the <br />conditions applicable to any such repayment. If such Policies are amended after the effective date of this <br />AGREEMENT by ALAMEDA CTC, the PROJECT SPONSOR and ALAMEDA CTC shall execute an amendment <br />to this AGREEMENT which references the revised Policies. <br /> <br />15. For the purposes of the following provisions, “ALAMEDA CTC Share” shall mean the <br />percentage share of the original property purchase price funded by ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS <br />(i.e., if the purchase was fully funded by ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS, ALAMEDA CTC Share shall <br />equal 100%); any appraisal required under Section III.15(a) and Section III.15(f) only, shall be conducted at <br />no cost to ALAMEDA CTC; “Fair Market Value” of a given property shall mean the net proceeds from the <br />sale of such property if such sale occurs in an open market transaction or by auction, or the value of the <br />property determined by an independent third-party appraisal of the property if some or all of the property is <br />retained by PROJECT SPONSOR or otherwise transferred to any other party without an auction or open market <br />transaction; and “CPI” means the Consumer Price Index, All Items for All Urban Consumers, San Francisco- <br />Oakland, San Jose, CA. <br /> <br />a. If any property is acquired for the PROJECT using ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS <br />to finance some or all of the acquisition, and the PROJECT is cancelled or otherwise does <br />not begin construction within five (5) years after the effective date of AGREEMENT (as <br />such deadline may be extended by agreement between the parties hereto), then PROJECT <br />SPONSOR shall, within one (1) year after such cancellation decision or the expiration of <br />such five (5) year period, reimburse ALAMEDA CTC for the greater of the following: <br />ALAMEDA CTC Share of the property’s Fair Market Value or the full amount of ALAMEDA <br />CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS used to acquire the property, as escalated by the increase in <br />the CPI during the most recent period for which CPI data is available which is equal in <br />length to the period between the date ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS were paid <br />to PROJECT SPONSOR and the date reimbursement is made to ALAMEDA CTC. <br /> <br />b. If any property is acquired for the PROJECT using ALAMEDA CTC ADMINISTERED FUNDS <br />to finance some or all of the acquisition and only a portion of the acquired property is <br />required for the PROJECT, and if the PROJECT begins construction within five (5) years <br />after the effective date of this AGREEMENT (as such deadline may be extended by <br />agreement between the parties hereto), then PROJECT SPONSOR shall, within one (1) year <br />after PROJECT completion, reimburse ALAMEDA CTC for ALAMEDA CTC Share of the <br />Fair Market Value of any property determined to be “excess property”. <br /> <br />313
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