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November 2, 2021Finance Committee Minutes <br />strategy. This strategy would help the City to reduce the risks of volatility/market <br />downturn. <br />She also advised the Committee that the City’s Other Post-Employment Benefits Plan <br />(OPEB) achieved a healthy funding ratio. <br />No public comments. Council Member comments: <br />Council Member Lopez inquired about the investment returns for the OPEB Trust and <br />Pension Trust. She also requested that in the future, to have the information <br />presented with some relativity and comparable data to ensure that a clear <br />understanding is achieved. <br />Council Member Bellew asked if the City Council or Finance Committee ever <br />established a goal-range for the funded status of OPEB, and it would beneficial to set <br />a goal. <br />Mayor Cutter stated the goal could be at 90% with the possibility of the remaining <br />funds to be invested in other trusts. Mayor Cutter would like an OPEB Actuary to <br />possible be invited to a future meeting to present and establish a goal-range for the <br />investment. <br />Council Member Lopez and City Manager Robustelli agreed with establishing a goal for <br />the trust, noting that when the trust is fully funded, other funds can be applied to other <br />areas of need within the City. <br />Staff advised the Committee that the City will engage an actuary for an analysis and <br />present the information to the Committee at a future meeting. <br />21-626 Staff Report for an Update on the Implementation of Budget Task Force <br />Recommendations <br />List of Budget Task Force Recommendations <br />Update Regarding Budget Task Force Recommendation <br />Implementation Status <br />Attachments: <br />Director Hsieh provided a status update regarding the implementations of the Budget <br />Task Force recommendations. In March 2021, the Budget Task Force presented their <br />top 11 recommendations to the City Council. Some of the recommendations that were <br />presented followed the City Council's priorities and were funded or partially funded as <br />part of the 2021-2023 budget adoption. There are some recommendations that will <br />require more research and analysis to determine the appropriate changes and <br />structure. <br />Per the Budget Task Force's recommendations, The City will work with the San <br />Leandro Improvement Association (SLIA) to hire Safety Ambassadors who will interact <br />with Downtown residents and businesses before issues get to the police. <br />Implementation of the Ambassador program will take place December 1, 2021. <br />Regarding having a Grant Consultant for the City, a contract has been entered with <br />Townsend to assist with Grant writing and funding advocacy. <br />For Mental Health Services, The City will establish a mental health program in <br />partnership with the Alameda County Fire Department and contracted nurse <br />practitioners. Staff will work to change the 911 system to support the needs of this <br />program. Implementation is expected to be completed within six months to one year. <br />Page 2City of San Leandro