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File Number: 22-245 <br />Purchase and Sale Agreement and Leases, provide further detail on the project phasing and <br />schedule to ensure that site preparation, public improvements, and the development overall are <br />performed in a continuous and coordinated manner. Changes are proposed related to the timing <br />of certain requirements, the schedule of performance, and interim arrangements for existing <br />leases and agreements on site. <br />In order to comply with the California Surplus Lands Act, the City-owned properties must be sold <br />or leased prior to the end of 2022. In accordance with the DDA, the close of escrow for the sale of <br />the Single Family element and commencement of each of the Ground Leases are to occur prior <br />to December 15, 2022. As a public-private partnership, the agreement includes a provision for <br />the City and Developer to cooperate and defend the City’s rights to convey the properties under <br />the terms of the agreements. <br />Adjustments are proposed to certain requirements or ‘conditions precedent’ to entering into the <br />land sale and leases in order to facilitate the timely transfer of property. The timing of such <br />requirements is adjusted to reflect the appropriate phase in which they would normally be met. <br />Requirements related to construction of the new buildings, such as selection of contractor, are to <br />be met prior to issuance of building permits, rather than prior to the sale and leasing of the <br />properties. Other requirements, including the approval of project entitlements and project labor <br />agreements, are not proposed to be deferred. <br />Several of the updates and additional details are also proposed for addition to the Schedule of <br />Performance, which provides specific time frames during which different phases of construction <br />must begin and be completed. These time frames assist in the coordination of public and private <br />improvements and ensure that the infrastructure needs of the site are met. Site preparation for <br />both the Single Family element, located east of Monarch Bay Drive, and the Multifamily and <br />commercial elements, located west of Monarch Bay Drive, is to occur in the initial phase of the <br />project. Specific rent commencement dates are also added in order to assist in the City’s fiscal <br />planning and the continued development of the project. <br />Proposed amendments also include arrangements for the existing users onsite during the interim <br />period between when the property transfers and construction are expected to begin. This includes <br />a License Agreement for continued operation of the 9-hole golf course by the City, as well as <br />continued operation of the El Torito Restaurant. Requirements are also specified to ensure that <br />sites are maintained in a clean and secure manner during the interim period. <br />Off-Site Improvements <br />The Shoreline Development includes a number of off-site improvements and mitigation <br />measures, including: <br />·Reconstructing Monarch Bay Drive with Class I bike facilities - (see Attachment G for <br />planned bicycle and pedestrian circulation); <br />·Installing a traffic signal at Aurora Drive and Marina Boulevard; <br />·Optimizing signals along Marina Boulevard; <br />·Constructing portions of the Bay Trail adjacent to the Multi-Family and Hotel <br />developments; <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/15/2022