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City Council on 2022-06-21 6:30 PM <br />06-21-22 18:30 <br />Agenda Name Comments Support Oppose Neutral <br />5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 1 0 0 1 <br />9.j. 22-407 Adopt a Resolution Denouncing Discriminatory Housing <br />Practices of the Past and Affirming that San Leandro is a Welcoming <br />Place for All <br />1 1 0 0 <br />Sentiments for All Agenda Items <br />The following graphs display sentiments for comments that have location data. Only locations of users who have commented <br />will be shown. <br />Overall Sentiment <br />Agenda Item: eComments for 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Overall Sentiment <br />Don Siefkes <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 5:49pm 06-20-22 <br />Well, I still haven't heard anything back from you on changing last May's resolution mandating ZEVs only for new <br />car sales in San Leandro. It needs to be changed to say that "no new light duty vehicle can be sold in San <br />Leandro that uses fossil gasoline as the primary fuel, primary being defined as anything greater than 2% by <br />volume for liquid fueled vehicles." Doing it this way allows for all ZEVs to be sold, but also biofueled vehicles <br />which actually have less life-cycle CO2 emissions than EVs. I don't understand your reluctance to do this. This is <br />what Mayor Cutter and the BAAQMD did in July of 2021 when they voted to lower the PM requirements for oil <br />refineries in the Bay area. They didn't tell the oil companies how to do this, they just said you have to keep the PM <br />levels below a certain level. This same strategy should be followed in the case of vehicle engines. Don't specify <br />the technology, ban the one thing you don't want = engines that burn fossil gasoline or fossil diesel.