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Agenda Item: eComments for 9.j. 22-407 Adopt a Resolution Denouncing Discriminatory Housing Practices of the Past and <br />Affirming that San Leandro is a Welcoming Place for All <br />Overall Sentiment <br />Guest User <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 2:40pm 06-16-22 <br />Dear Mayor Cutter and the City Council of San Leandro: <br />June 21st meeting item 9J--Resolution Denouncing Discriminatory Housing Practices of the Past and Affirming <br />that San Leandro is a Welcoming Place for All: <br />As Vice Mayor, I wanted to go on record to state I am on a family cruise, and Iā€™m unable to attend our City <br />Council Meeting on June 21st, 2022. I am writing this letter in full support of item 9j. on the Consent Calendar <br />and wanted to go on record stating that I am happy to see this resolution being brought forward. When you vote <br />on this item, please know if I could attend the meeting, I would whole heartedly vote YES on it. Thank you for <br />considering this resolution on behalf of the Citizens of San Leandro, and thank you for formally acknowledging <br />and speaking to this issue. <br />Sincerely, <br />Peter J. Ballew