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Minute Order No. 2002-27 <br />May 6, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />5. Page 258, second column, fourth sentence and beyond, edit as follows: <br />In 2000, the Federal Aviation Administration projected that 17.2 million annual passengers <br />would use the Oakland International Airport by 2010, an increase of 74 percent from the 1999 <br />volume of 9.9 million passengers. Cargo operations at Oakland Airport are presumed to <br />increase.... [Nardine] <br />6. Page 283, edit Action 37.08-A as follows (underlined text reflects changes from the original <br />GPAC action): <br />Action 37.08-A: Expansion of the Noise Compatibility Program. Continue to work with <br />the Port of Oakland on expanding the Noise Compatibility Program for the airport, including <br />limits on the time of operations, advocating for quieter aircraft. mitigating night-time engine <br />run-up activities, and the monitoring of noise levels at additional locations in and around San <br />Leandro. [Full Council, underlined text initiated by Santos and endorsed by others after <br />discussion] <br />7. Page 312, edit Action 39.04-A as follows: <br />Action 39.04-A: Expanded Role for Library -Historical Commission. Expand City <br />support for the Library -Historical Commission so that they may effectively implement the <br />General Plan's historic preservation policies and actions. The Commission shall be provided <br />with the necessary resources as determined by the City Council, to make historic preservation <br />a major focus of their efforts. [Full Council] <br />8. Page 348, add new Action 46.01-A (mistakenly labeled as Action 46.06-A in the packet) as <br />follows: <br />Action 46.01-A: Future Bond Measures. <br />Investigate the feasibility of a citywide bond measure and/or other possible financing measures <br />to fund joint use (City/School District) projects Ensure that the specific improvements and <br />timing associated with any bond measure are coordinated between the impacted agencies. <br />Prior to any bond measure collectively_ plan and survey the community to determine the level <br />of support and willingness� to pay for the proposed improvements. <br />[New action initiated by San Leandro Unified School District, accepted by the Council] <br />