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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: June 24, 2002 <br />TO: John Jermanis, City Manager <br />VIA: Ed Schilling, Assistant City Manager <br />E <br />E <br />L /YID <br />4 <br />a� I <br />BY: Kathy Omelas, Community Relations Representative V <br />11-0 <br />SUBJECT: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN SAN <br />LEANDRO AND ELIMINATING THE USE OF THE TERM "MINORITY" IN CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO PROGRAMS, SERVICES, DOCUMENTS AND OPERATIONS <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />In response to a recommendation by the City Council Human Relations Committee, a <br />Resolution has been placed on the City Council's agenda for consideration on July 1, <br />2002. <br />BACKGROUND <br />At a recent City Council meeting, Mr. Bernard Ashcraft of the Western Institute for <br />Public Policy asked the City Council to consider adopting a resolution which would <br />eliminate the use of the term "minority" from City programs, documents and programs. <br />The matter was referred to the Human Relations Committee. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />The Human Relations Committee reviewed a drafted resolution which proposes <br />that the term "minorities" conveys negative connotations that imply inferiority <br />and inequity among Americans. The resolution calls for the City to discontinue <br />the use of the term "minority." <br />The Human Relations Committee recommended the drafted resolution be <br />forwarded to the City Council for consideration after it is reviewed by the City <br />Attorney and Department Heads. <br />The City Attorney has reviewed the drafted resolution, adding the clauses stating <br />"That the use of this term shall not be prohibited if necessary for obtaining state <br />or federal funding or comply with state or federal law," and "That the inadvertent <br />use of this term shall not invalidate any City action." The drafted resolution has <br />also been reviewed by the City's Department Heads. <br />Q� <br />