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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: September 12, 2002 <br />TO: City Council <br />BY: John Jermanis, City Manager <br />SUBJECT/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />MATTER OF APPOINTMENT OF CITY CLERK <br />SUMMARY AND RECONEMENDATION: <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />Ca/ <br />Jo Jermanis <br />Ci anager <br />In 1983, the City Council placed the function of City Clerk under the supervision of the <br />City Manager. This clear reporting relationship with the City Manager's Office allows <br />the City Manager to ensure that the City Council and the organization are receiving a <br />consistent level of support. Performance deficiencies in any area of responsibility can be <br />quickly identified and remedied within the City Manager's Office. It is recommended <br />that the past practice of having the City Manager appoint the City Clerk continue. <br />This report is for information only, and no action is required. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City Charter provides that, "The City Council, by ordinance, may consolidate the <br />office and functions of the City Clerk with that of the City Manager" (Section 435b). As <br />a method of obtaining day-to-day administrative direction of the City Clerk's activities, <br />the City Council, in September 1983, adopted Ordinance 83-025, which provided for the <br />combination of the two functions as follows: <br />"Section 1-2-110: CITY CLERK FUNCTIONS. Notwithstanding Section 1-2- <br />105, whenever a function, power, obligation or liability is imposed upon the <br />office or personage of a city clerk, either by the general laws of the State of <br />California, by the Charter of the City of San Leandro, by this Code or by any <br />administrative rules, regulations, custom or practice of the City of San Leandro, <br />the officer in the City Manager's Office assigned to City Clerk duties shall have <br />or exercise such function, power, obligation or liability and shall be fully vested <br />with the requisite legal authority and exclusive responsibility to have or perform <br />such function, power, obligation or liability. The City Manager shall, at all times, <br />assign an officer of the City to the duties of City Clerk and such officer shall <br />possess the requisite qualifications for such duties. For the authentication and <br />certification of official acts, documents, records, and election results and for the <br />