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4. <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: January 9, 2001 <br />TO: John Jermanis, Executive Director <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />1 <br />John J. Jer is <br />Q(' Execu irector, �WOI <br />Redevelopment Agency <br />iaT28 <br />BY: Debbie Potter, Redevelopment Administrator 4 <br />SUBJECT PROJECT/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />Conduct a public hearing regarding approval of a Disposition and Development <br />Agreement (DDA) with Anthony A. Batarse, Jr., Trustee under the Batarse Family Trust <br />for development of a portion of the site at 635 Marina Boulevard and the sites at 846-872 <br />and 936 Marina Boulevard for a Daewoo auto dealership. <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />It is recommended that, following the public hearing, the attached DDA which provides for the <br />acquisition and development of a portion of 635 Marina Boulevard and 846-872 and 936 Marina <br />Boulevard for a Daewoo auto dealership be approved by resolution. The Redevelopment <br />Agency currently has possession of a portion of the property located at 635 Marina Boulevard <br />and is scheduled to take possession of 846-872 and 936 Marina Boulevard on January 19, 2001. <br />The Agency proposes to convey the properties to the Batarse Family Trust for development of a <br />Daewoo facility. The DDA requires that the developer begin construction of improvements to <br />landscape, pave and light the properties in support of new and ancillary used car sales (i.e., used <br />cars taken in trade for new car sales) no later than 90 days after the Agency obtains a final order <br />overruling any right -to -take objections and the title company has issued title insurance on the <br />properties. The developer must complete those improvements no later than 120 days following <br />construction commencement. The developer must also construct a 3,000 square foot sales <br />facility on a portion of 635 Marina Boulevard. The developer has already paid the Agency the <br />estimated acquisition cost of all of the parcels and will pay the entire actual acquisition cost, <br />when that amount is determined. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Current City Council/Redevelopment Agency Policy <br />Development of a Daewoo dealership is part of Phase III of the Marina Square Auto Center. In <br />1997, the City Council approved an ordinance amending the City's Zoning Ordinance <br />establishing an S-Overlay District for Marina Boulevard. The S-Overlay calls for development <br />that is compatible with new car sales and regional retail uses along Marina Boulevard between <br />San Leandro Boulevard and the I-880. In addition, in 1999, the Redevelopment Agency <br />