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4a <br />SPECIAL ELECTION OPTION: <br />If the Council fails to appoint a new member by August 2, it must set a Special Election to fill the <br />vacancy. According to the City's Charter, the Council would need to do the following at their next <br />regularly scheduled meeting after August 2, 2001: <br />Adopt an Ordinance calling a Special Election.. According to the California Elections Code, a <br />Special Election shall be held on the next regularly established election date, no less than 114 days <br />from the call of Special Election. Given the timeframe triggered by the effective date of Council <br />Member Galvan's resignation (midnight of June 2, 2001), the Council would have to set a Special <br />Election no earlier than December 27, 2001. The next regular election date after that time is March <br />6, 2002. <br />• apt an Ordinance setting forth run-off procedures. Pursuant to the Charter Amendment in <br />November 2000, the City Council would need to adopt procedures for conducting a run-off <br />election should none of the candidates receive 50% plus one vote in the election. <br />If a Special Election is set for Tuesday, March 6, 2002, it would be necessary for the Council to act on <br />the appropriate ordinances and resolutions setting forth procedures for such an election. The <br />candidate -filing period for a March 2002 election would begin October 29, 2001 and would end <br />November 7, 2001. A Notice of Vacancy and Intent to Accept Applications for Consideration should <br />be published in the Daily Review by Friday, Oct. 19, 2001 (which gives 10 days notice prior to the <br />opening of the candidate -filing period). The estimated cost for holding a Special Election to be <br />consolidated with the County of Alameda on March 6, 2002 is approximately $50,000 to $60,000. <br />This amount includes the increased projected costs from the County to utilize automated voting <br />systems. If a run-off election is necessary, the election costs could be as much as $100,000. <br />g:\cicrk\cclerk\etect2002\MEMO.VACStaffRpt.doc <br />116 <br />