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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: August 21, 2001 <br />TO: John Jermanis, City Manager <br />FROM: Hanson Hom, Community Development Dire <br />BY: Elmer Penaranda, Planner II V)"J� <br />SUBJECT PROJECT/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />APPROVED AND FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />m b cool— <br />o�d 0 11� <br />lvto �aor- 7a <br />_lap <br />Johnra <br />s <br />Cityr <br />PLN2001-00004; rezone from CC Community Commercial District to RM2500 <br />(PD) Residential Multi -Family Planned Development Overlay District; and <br />planned development and vesting tentative map to construct a six -unit, three- <br />story residential townhouse project; 1895 Washington Avenue (northwest corner <br />of Washington Avenue and Castro Street); Assessor's Parcel Numbers 75-8-4-4 <br />and 4-5; B. Evans, Westco Community Builders, (applicant); D. & S. Nakaya, <br />(property owners). <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />Westco Community Builders, the applicant, proposes to develop the subject site with a new six - <br />unit residential townhouse project. This proposal would transform the vacant and underutilized <br />land into new attractive housing that will provide an opportunity for home ownership. <br />The Planning Commission and staff recommend that the City Council take the following actions: <br />A. Certify the Mitigated Negative Declaration and associated Mitigation Monitoring <br />Program that provides mitigation measures required for the project to avoid <br />significant effects on the environment. <br />B. Approve the rezoning of the property from CC Community Commercial District <br />to RM2500(PD) Residential Multi -Family, Planned Development Overlay District <br />by adopting the attached Ordinance. <br />C. Approve by motion the Planned Development to develop new residential <br />townhouses subject to recommended conditions of approval. <br />D. Approve the Vesting Tentative Map, Tract 7293 to create six parcels, each to <br />accommodate one residential townhouse subject to recommended conditions of <br />approval by adopting the attached Resolution. <br />