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M0 <br />vmi-2 �- <br />fl-b5-01 <br />City Council Economic Development & Redevelopment Committee <br />October 23, 2001 Meeting Highlights <br />Committee Members: Orval "OB" Badger, Surlene Grant, Shelia Young <br />Discussion Regarding Local Purchasing Ordinance <br />• Committee Chair Grant introduced the item and reminded the Committee, staff and <br />the audience that the matter had been referred back to the Committee for further <br />discussion at the City Council meeting of October 1, 2001. <br />• The current proposal provides an increase in the single vendor limit from $1,000 to <br />$2,000; an increase in the informal bid limit from $15,000 to $20,000; and, a <br />graduated preference scale of 5% for purchases up to $5,000 lowering to 2.5% for <br />purchases from $15,000 to $20,000. <br />• Staff explained the importance of striking a balance between assisting local small <br />businesses with the need to maintain a competitive environment. It was also noted <br />that it was important for outside vendors to know that their bids were desired. <br />• Audience members, including representatives of the Chamber of Commerce <br />emphasized the need to update the financial preference levels and allow single vendor <br />purchases up to $5,000 with an informal bid limit of $50,000. A 5% preference <br />should be applied across the board. <br />• It was generally accepted that methods should be employed to better inform the small <br />business community about informal bid opportunities through local channels. The <br />Chamber indicated that it already works with the City's purchasing staff to E Mail <br />requests for bids. This effort could be expanded. <br />• The Committee directed staff to: (1) research the budget impact of applying the 5% <br />preference to all purchases up to $50,000; (2) determine whether more San Leandro <br />businesses would actually be able to bid on informal requests if the higher threshold <br />were implemented; and, (3) obtain an opinion from the auditors about the proposed <br />policies. <br />Discussion Regarding East 14'h Street Development Plan <br />• At the meeting of October 15, 2001, the City Council requested that the Committee <br />review a preliminary staff proposal to address planning, land use, and economic <br />development issues on East 14'h Street from the south end of Downtown to Bayfair <br />Mall. <br />• Staff presented a possible approach to address these issues including the preparation <br />of an East 14t' Street Development Plan. The proposed plan would provide a detailed <br />economic evaluation of the existing corridor including market conditions, land use <br />constraints, and other potential barriers to development. <br />3S <br />