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SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />BY: <br />January 20, 2000 <br />John Jermanis, City Manager <br />APPROVED AND FORWARDED <br />TO THE CITY COUNCIL -- <br />MO ac>c <br />DO 7 <br />(N/ O�2 <br />Don Fleming, Interim Development Services Director <br />Elmer Penaranda, Assistant City Planner 0*L___ <br />SUBJECT: A-99-6; Reclassification; to rezone a parcel known as Assessor's Parcel Number <br />77C-1305-4 from RS Residential Single -Family District to CC(PD) Community <br />Commercial, Planned Development Overlay District; and <br />PD-99-6; Planned Development; to construct an additional two-story animal <br />hospital on the undeveloped area behind the existing art gallery and to provide <br />additional off-street parking behind the existing emergency pet clinic; 14790 <br />Washington Avenue; Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 77C-1305-3-2, 4 and 86-1; <br />P.G.Shutts (applicant), E.C. Investments (property owner); CC(PD) Community <br />Commercial, Planned Development Overlay District. <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />The East Bay Animal Emergency Clinic on Washington Avenue, north of Bradrick Drive, has an <br />undeveloped area on its site and it has acquired an adjacent undeveloped parcel. The applicant is <br />requesting to expand the animal hospital into the undeveloped areas by constructing an additional <br />building and off-street parking. The acquired parcel needs to be rezoned from residential to a <br />commercial base district with a planned development (PD) overlay. This will make the zoning <br />designation consistent with the existing facility. The main reason for the PD overlay is that <br />animal hospitals are not permitted or conditionally permitted in the existing CC District. The PD <br />allows the Planning Commission and City Council flexibility in reviewing projects and allowing <br />some exceptions to projects that exhibit merit. The floor area of the existing building is 7,485 <br />square feet and the floor area of the proposed building will be approximately 7,116 square feet. <br />The Planning Commission at its December 9, 1999 meeting voted to recommend to the City <br />Council to certify the Negative Declaration and approve A-99-6 and PD-99-6 (MSC <br />Ravenstad/Collier, 6 ayes; 1 absent, Burpee) subject to the findings and conditions of approval <br />as amended. <br />The Planning Commission and staff recommend that the City Council take the following actions: <br />A. Certify the Negative Declaration that states the project will not have any significant <br />effects on the environment; <br />