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PD-98-2 & Vesting Tentative Map Tract No.7078 Page 12 of 22 <br />Recommended Conditions of Approval February 9, 1999 <br />• Prior to the recordation of any final map with the Alameda County <br />Recorder, the Subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer a computer disk <br />with a file of the points and lines of the final map in an AutoCAD readable <br />format compatible with the City's Automated Mapping System. <br />• All certifications and approvals as required by the Floodplain <br />Administrator in accordance with local state and federal requirements shall <br />be in place prior to the approval of the first Final Map. <br />• Prior to issuance of building permits for the first phase of the project, the <br />Subdivider shall obtain City Council approval of Tentative and Final <br />Subdivision Maps, and enter into Subdivision Improvement Agreement and <br />other agreements required by the City Engineer. <br />• Prior to the issuance of building permits for the first phase of the project, <br />all mitigation measures listed in the Initial Study, dated October 6, 1998 <br />shall be completed, or security acceptable to the City Engineer posted to <br />assure compliance. <br />• Prior to the approval of the first Final Map for Tract 7078, the City of San <br />Leandro shall approve all proposed abandonment and/or vacations of any <br />public rights -of -way within Tract 7078. Applicant shall provide all <br />necessary documentation and shall pay all costs incurred to complete such <br />abandonment. <br />• The existing storm drain and sanitary sewer lines within the rights -of -way <br />to be abandoned shall be removed as directed by the City Engineer. <br />• Monument setting guarantees shall be provided for each final map as <br />directed by the City Engineer. <br />• During construction the following high standards for sanitation are required: <br />Garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed on <br />a minimum weekly basis. All food related trash items such as wrappers, <br />cans, bottles, and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only <br />and shall be regularly removed from the site. Inspections, conducted as part <br />of the regular construction compliance, will be conducted to ensure <br />compliance of the Subdivider and contractors with this requirement. <br />• If the design of any site improvement in any phase requires encroachments <br />onto neighboring properties during construction, written agreements with <br />that property owner shall be submitted to the City Engineer, for review and <br />approval, prior to approval of the Final Map for that phase. <br />