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7ra5j0o <br />SAN-LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 1 CITY COUNCIL <br />Chapter 11 Cable Television Community Information Policy <br />§1.11.100 POLICY ON PROVIDING COMMUNITY INFORMATION ON <br />CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL 15. The purpose of this administrative policy is to <br />establish a uniform policy to govern information disseminated on Cable Television <br />Channel 15 for the benefit of community access to information provided by local <br />government. <br />§1.11.105 APPLICABILITY. This policy shall be applicable to requests for <br />information to be placed on the local access Channel 15. Requests shall only be <br />considered from City of San Leandro Departments, other local governmental agencies, <br />public schools, and/or non-profit organizations with valid 501C3 numbers. Requests <br />received from outside agencies shall have the authorization and/or approval of the <br />Executive Officer of that agency prior to posting requested information. <br />The activity being advertised must benefit a San Leandro non-profit organization, <br />applicant, or activity for the betterment of the community, or must be financially <br />supported by the City of San Leandro. <br />All requests outside those outlined in this policy shall be referred to the City Manager for <br />approval or denial. The City reserves the right to reject requests based on the best <br />interests of the City. <br />§1.11.110 POLICY AND PROCEDURES. All requests for information to be <br />placed on Channel 15, other than City Council Meeting Information/Agendas and/or City <br />Council Committee Information/Agendas, must be no greater than 100 words in length, <br />provided on computer disk, along with a hard copy and submitted to the City Manager, or <br />his/her designee, by 12 noon on Tuesdays. Such requests shall include the length of time <br />the information is to be posted. <br />Requests that are strictly of a commercial nature shall not be posted on Channel 15. For <br />the purpose of this policy, a request of a "commercial nature" is one which directs <br />attention to a commodity, product, service, attraction, or event that is sold or offered for <br />sale or for a charge by a commercial enterprise or which in any way promotes a <br />commercial enterprise or its products. A "commercial enterprise" is an institution, <br />business, or enterprise conducted for profit. <br />This prohibition shall not apply to information announcing a community, charitable, or <br />non-profit event which is jointly sponsored by a commercial enterprise and the City. <br />