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A-98-6 2 <br />09/11/98 <br />DETAILS OF PROPOSAL <br />This property remnant is owned by the Buon Tempo Club. They have been trying to sell this site since <br />it was created by the extension of San Leandro Boulevard. Under the apartment zoning they have <br />been unsuccessful in attracting any buyers. Because of the shape of the parcel, the traffic impacts of <br />the two street frontages, and noise from surrounding industries, BART and the railroad, there have <br />been no interested buyers. Basically, this would be a poor location for an apartment building. The <br />applicant submitted a plan for staff review for a 6,000 square foot industrial building. The building <br />could potentially be divided up into four 1,500 square foot spaces for use by small businesses. The <br />building would be setback 15 feet from the rear property line and 10 feet along the two street <br />frontages. Parking would be located in front of the building with access from both San Leandro <br />Boulevard and Washington Avenue. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The proposed building complies with all of the requirements of the 1L Industrial Limited District. Staff <br />advised the applicant and representative of the property owner to apply for rezoning of the site from <br />RM 1800 to IL Industrial Limited. If the rezoning was approved, they could then proceed with <br />development of the site with the proposed building. <br />In reviewing the application, concerns were raised regarding the following elements of the proposed <br />development: <br />• Review the design of the property to assure high quality architecture at this key location. <br />• Provide for attractive landscaping in front of the building, on the street frontages and in the rear <br />setback adjacent to the apartments fronting on Coburn Court. <br />• Ensure that exterior lighting does not shine onto adjacent residential properties. <br />• Review all uses that occupy the building to assure they do not operate at hours that could be <br />harmful to nearby residential properties and do not create objectionable noise or odors. <br />To assure that any development of the property addresses the above items, staff has recommended that <br />the site be placed in the IL (PD) Industrial Limited Planned Development Combining District. <br />Development of the site will have to go through the Planned Development review process with <br />notification to nearby property owners. Use of the Planned Development District will result in a <br />development that will be compatible with this area that is a transition between residential and industrial <br />uses. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />A Negative Declaration has been prepared and is attached for consideration by the City Council. The <br />required 21 day review period commenced on August 4, 1998 and was completed on August 25, <br />1998. <br />42 <br />