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SECTION I <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />THE COUNCIL <br />The elective officers of the City of San Leandro shall consist of a Council of six members <br />and the Mayor. All Council Members and the Mayor shall be elected by the registered <br />voters of the City at large. One Council Member shall be elected from each Council <br />Member district. (Sec. 200 and Sec. 225(a), City Charter) <br />DISTRICTS <br />There shall be six districts, numbered one through six as provided for within the City <br />Charter. The boundaries of Council Member districts shall be those adopted by Charter <br />or amended by ordinance of the Council. Each district shall consist of geographically <br />compact contiguous territory and shall contain, as nearly as possible, equal numbers of <br />residents. No change in district boundaries shall operate to disqualify an incumbent from <br />office before the expiration of the term for which such person was elected or appointed. <br />(Section 230, City Charter) <br />TERMS OF OFFICE <br />Council Members and the Mayor shall hold office for four years commencing on the first <br />day of May following their election and until their successors are elected and qualified. <br />(Section 235, City Charter) <br />No person shall be eligible for the office of Council Member who has served two, <br />complete four-year terms as Council Member immediately prior to the term for which <br />such person seeks election or appointment. (Section 265, City Charter) <br />No person shall be eligible for the office of Mayor who has served two, complete four- <br />year terms as Mayor immediately prior to the term for which such person seeks election <br />or appointment. (Section 270, City Charter)(Election date information see Section 600, <br />City Charter) <br />VACANCY <br />A vacancy shall exist in the office of Council Member or Mayor when the person elected <br />or appointed to such office fails to qualify or becomes disqualified, or upon the <br />occurrence of any event which, under the general laws, would cause a vacancy in such <br />office. <br />A vacancy in the office of Council Member or Mayor shall be filled by appointment by <br />the Council. The appointee shall hold office until the next general municipal election and <br />47 <br />1-1 <br />