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COUNCIL: SERVING AS OTHER AGENCIES <br />The City Council also serves as Members on the following Authorities and Agencies. <br />The Mayor and Vice Mayor serve as the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, respectively, <br />Agenda items are included on the City Council Agenda, and Meetings are held at the <br />Civic Center, City Council Chamber, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro. <br />San Leandro Economic Development Agency (meets as needed, annual meeting to be determined. <br />San Leandro Housing Finance Corporation (meets annually, date to be determined) <br />San Leandro Industrial Development Authority (meets annually the third Monday in June) <br />San Leandro Parking Authority (meets annually the third Monday in June) <br />San Leandro Public Financing Authority (meets annually the third Monday in May) <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency (meets 1st and third Mondays monthly) <br />INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT <br />A Council Member or Mayor who accepts or retains an incompatible public office or <br />incompatible public employment after taking office on the Council shall be deemed <br />thereby to have resigned as Council Member or Mayor. (Section 240, City Charter) <br />MAYOR/COUNCIL COMPENSATION <br />All provisions of the Government Code of the State of California relating to <br />compensation, benefits and reimbursement for expenses applicable to members of a City <br />Council of a general law city shall be applicable to Council Members. (Gov. Code <br />Section 36516) <br />The Mayor shall receive a salary established by ordinance as approved by a majority of <br />the City Council. In addition, the Mayor shall be entitled to the same benefits and <br />reimbursement for expenses as are Council Members. (Sections 255 and 260, City <br />Charter) <br />The Mayor is provided a car allowance of Three Hundred Seventy -Five Dollars <br />($375.00) per month, which shall be in lieu of the travel reimbursement afforded other <br />City Council Members. (San Leandro Administrative Code, Title 1, Chapter 5.) <br />I� <br />1-3 <br />