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reduced in size and relocated to the corner of the room. Two additional windows will be <br />located on the side wall of the home. The result is a much smaller window in the corner that is <br />much less conducive to someone looking out in the backyards of the adjacent homes to the rear. <br />Nft.101 The large bathroom window will be reduced to two smaller windows located higher up on the <br />wall that would be very inconvenient to look out of but would still provide adequate light and <br />ventilation. On Plan 2, there is a master bedroom and bathroom window facing the rear. The <br />bedroom does not have a side wall for window relocation. The proposal is to split the large <br />window in the rear wall into two smaller corner windows which are less conductive to viewing <br />the back yard. The large window in the bathroom will be split into the two smaller windows <br />place a high window on the wall over the bathtub. A third window will be placed in the side <br />wall facing away from the back yard. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />A Negative Declaration has been prepared and is attached for the City Council's consideration. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The Commission concurred that the proposed development was the most appropriate use of the site <br />that would be compatible with the surrounding single family neighborhood. If the project is <br />approved, the developer will proceed with the removal of the existing improvements and grading of <br />the site for construction of the new street. <br />The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council take the following action: <br />1. Adopt the attached Negative Declaration by Motion. <br />2. Approve the proposed Reclassification (A-97-6) by adopting the ordinance. <br />3. Make the necessary Findings and approve the proposed Planned Development (PD-97-5), <br />subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. <br />4. Approve Vesting Tentative Map Tract 6933 subject to the City Engineer's Report and <br />Recommendation <br />ATTACffi1 ENTS <br />Staff Report dated May 16, 1997 <br />Negative Declaration <br />Conditions of Approval <br />Excerpt of Planning Commission Meeting dated May 22, 1997 <br />Exhibit A - Site Plan <br />Exhibit B - Floor Plan for Plan 1 <br />Exhibit C - Elevations for Plan 1 <br />Exhibit D - Floor Plan for Plan 2 <br />PD-97-5, A-97-6 & VESTING TENTATIVE MAP 6933 Page 4 of 5 <br />City Council Staff Report June 6, 1997 <br />4 <br />