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9 <br />Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6933 <br />The tract map provides for the subdivision of the property into twenty parcels and the creation of <br />�./ the new cul-de-sac street. It has been reviewed by the City Engineer and an Engineering Report <br />and Recommendation have been prepared. <br />DISCUSSION <br />It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that this was a very appropriate use for this site. <br />Single family homes would have less of an impact on the surrounding neighborhood than a new <br />commercial use or higher density residential such as condominiums or apartments. <br />The Commission addressed the concerns regarding loss of privacy with the construction of two <br />story homes in an area that is predominately single story homes recommending that prior to this <br />matter being considered by the City Council, the homeowners meet with the developer and staff to <br />discuss mitigation of their concerns. <br />The Commission also recommended that the color palate be modified to provide (1) more color in <br />the bodies of the buildings; (2) that mullions be placed in the rear building windows; (3) there be an <br />average of two street trees per lot; and (4) screening trees be planted along the side of certain key <br />lots that have exposure to view from the street. <br />A meeting was held on June 4 with residents, the developer, the architect and landscape architect, <br />and staff. Notice of the meeting was sent to all homeowners within 300 feet of the project. The <br />purpose of the meeting was to discuss and resolve, if possible, concerns of the surrounding <br />residents. <br />• The first matter discussed was the question of planting trees in the back yards of the new homes <br />bordering the rear yards of the existing homes fronting on Corvallis Avenue. This would help <br />protect the privacy of the existing homes from the second floor windows on the rear wall of the <br />new homes. After considerable discussion on the types of trees and the impact from leaves, <br />roots and loss of sunlight, the consensus of those homeowners was not to require the developer <br />to plant trees. The residents also realized that the buyers of the new homes would most likely <br />plant trees when they landscaped their yards. The developer agreed to construct a solid 7 foot <br />wood fence along the rear property line of those homes backing up to the Corvallis Avenue <br />properties. This would provide more privacy, especially from first floor windows on the rear <br />wall of the homes. <br />• The architect discussed modifications to the second floor rear windows that would help protect <br />the privacy of the existing homes. On the second floor of Plan 1, there is a master bedroom, <br />loft bedroom and bathroom that all have windows facing the rear. The loft bedroom window <br />can be moved to the side of the home. The large master bathroom window can be substantially <br />PD-97-5, A-97-6 & VESTING TENTATIVE MAP 6933 <br />City Council Staff Report <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />June 6, 1997 <br />e� <br />