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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />Date: <br />To: <br />From: <br />June 25, 1997 <br />John Jermanis, City Manager <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />Jo ermanis <br />anager <br />Nanci Klein, Economic Development Coordinator <br />Rosie Rios, Acting Development Specialist <br />Subject: Resolution Approving a Contractual Services Agreement between Coakley <br />Heagerty Company, LTD. and the City of San Leandro for an <br />Economic Development Marketing Plan <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />One of the key recommendations made by the Economic Development Strategy is developing an <br />identity and marketing strategy for the City. Staff recommends approval of a Contractual <br />Services Agreement between Coakley Heagerty Company, LTD. and the City of San Leandro for <br />an Economic Development Marketing Plan and development of initial marketing materials. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Image and perception have a great influence on a community's ability to attract and retain <br />desirable economic activity. The Economic Development Strategy has identified a need for the <br />City to communicate the City's identity and image to existing as well as prospective industrial, <br />commercial, and residential markets. The City Council visioning process also placed a strong <br />emphasis on building San Leandro's positive identity both within and beyond our borders. The <br />marketing plan will further refine the identified markets and detail strategies to support the City's <br />business retention and attraction efforts, as well as communicating to existing and prospective <br />residents that San Leandro is an excellent community in which to live and work. <br />The Strategy specifically recommends that a marketing program be established for the City in <br />order to promote San Leandro's assets to both businesses and residents who are located within <br />the region and as a regional promotions program to the surrounding communities. <br />Staff had previously mailed a Request for Qualifications to approximately 30 marketing firms <br />specializing in economic development activities. With assistance from the Chamber of <br />Commerce and members of the Economic Development Advisory Committee, staff interviewed <br />16 -C <br />