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City Council - 3 - May 14, 1997 <br />DISCUSSION <br />it It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that this was a very appropriate use for this <br />site. The proposal will result in the removal of a building that has been vacant for about 10 years <br />and is not adaptable to uses that are permitted or conditionally permitted in the NA-2 District. <br />The project will also include removal of an unreinforced masonry building. The use is <br />compatible with the adjacent residential neighborhood and nearby uses on Haas Avenue and on <br />East 14th Street. Traffic generation will be very low and will have a negligible impact on Haas <br />Avenue. The project design provides maximum light, air and ventilation for the adjacent <br />apartment and greatly improves the existing situation by removing the tall concrete wall on the <br />property line separating the two properties. <br />The Commission expressed the need for a turnout at the main entrance to the building on East <br />14th Street. They said this would greatly facilitate the picking up and dropping off of residents <br />both by relatives, emergency vehicles and the resident van service provided by the management. <br />The applicant also is very interested in providing a loading area at the entrance to the home for <br />the convenience and safety of the residents. The architect prepared a detail of the front of the <br />building showing the turnout without impacts on East 14th Street traffic or pedestrians. East <br />14th Street is a State highway and a turnout for passenger loading has to have the approval of <br />CalTrans. The Plans are being submitted to CalTrans for their review and approval. The <br />proposed turnout has been reviewed by the Development Services and Engineering and <br />Transportation Departments. It is the opinion of the Transportation Administrator that this <br />would be a very desirable feature of the project. Engineering and Transportation will do all they <br />can to see that this becomes a feature of this development. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />A Negative Declaration has been prepared and is attached for the City Council's consideration. <br />CONCLUSION <br />If the project is approved, the developer would proceed to work with bond counsel and City Staff <br />on the application to the State for Mortgage Revenue bonds. If the project receives an allocation <br />for tax-exempt bonds, full documents would be prepared and presented to the City Council in <br />early September. Construction would commence soon thereafter. <br />The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council take the following action: <br />1. Adopt the attached Negative Declaration by Motion. <br />2. Approve the proposed Reclassification (A-97-4) by adopting the attached ordinance; and <br />3. Make the necessary Findings and approve the proposed Planned Development (PD-97-4), <br />subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />