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BACKGROUND <br />This site is presently developed with a neighborhood shopping center and service station <br />u constructed in the early 1950's. The vacancy rate in the center has increased in recent years and <br />presently there are only two or three tenants remaining. The service station was closed several <br />years ago and up until recently, the building was used for auto repair. <br />The owner of the property recently placed it on the market for sale. The applicant proposes <br />demolishing all improvements and constructing twenty new single family homes. <br />DETAILS OF PROPOSAL <br />Rezoninu <br />This property is presently zoned CN Neighborhood Commercial District which is consistent with <br />the use of the site as a neighborhood shopping center. The development of the site with a single <br />family subdivision will require rezoning to RS (PD) Residential Single -Family Planned <br />Development District. <br />Proposed Development <br />This site has frontage on Ottawa Avenue and Wiley Street. The south side of the property backs up <br />to a concrete flood control channel. Seven of the lots will front on the two existing streets and the <br />remaining thirteen lots will front on a new cul-de-sac street off Ottawa Avenue. Lot size varies <br />�./ from a minimum of 3356 square feet to a maximum of 8040 square feet. The density of the <br />development is one unit per 5663 square feet of land area or 7.7 units per acre. This is compatible <br />with the density permitted in the RS Residential Single -Family District. <br />Four of the lots located on the cul-de-sac are flag lots. They have reduced street frontage with long <br />driveways leading back to the main portion of the lot and home. The advantage to the homeowner <br />is a very private and secluded home environment and additional parking available in the extended <br />driveway. This tends to reduce parking in the cul-de-sac bulb. The homes conform to the front, <br />rear and side yard requirements in the RS District., In all cases, they exceed the minimum rear yard <br />of 15 feet. The developer has tried to maximize the rear yard setback as an amenity to the <br />homeowners. All of the front yards will be landscaped with a variety of trees, shrubs and ground <br />cover, including lawns. In the case of the flag and corner lots, this will enable a considerable <br />amount of landscaping. <br />During the Planning Commission hearing on this matter, residents on Corvallis Street and Bethany <br />Street whose properties back up to the subdivision, expressed concern over the loss of privacy with <br />-+the second floor windows looking down into their back yards. <br />PD-97-5, A-97-6 & VESTING TENTATIVE MAP 6933 <br />City Council Staff Report <br />2 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />June 6, 1997 <br />