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3 <br />2.General Plan Amendment. Following review and recommendation by the <br />City Planning Commission and after a duly noticed public hearing and adoption of the FEIR <br />Addendum, the City Council, by Resolution No. 2020-019, approved amendments to the San <br />Leandro General Plan (the “General Plan Amendment”) which reduced the General <br />Commercial (CG) area west of Monarch Bay Drive from 31 acres to 16 acres, increased the <br />Parks and Recreation (PR) designation west of Monarch Bay Drive from 7.2 acres to 15.5 acres, <br />re-designated approximately 6.8 acres from CG to High Density Residential (RH), reduced the <br />30.7-acre PR area east of Monarch Bay Drive from 30.7 to 24.4 acres, and increased the Medium <br />Density Residential (RM) acreage east of Monarch Bay Drive from 13.1 to 19.4 acres. <br />3.Rezoning. Following City Planning Commission review and <br />recommendation, adoption of the FEIR Addendum and adoption of the General Plan <br />Amendment at a duly noticed public hearing, the City Council adopted City Ordinance No. <br />2020-01, which amended the Zoning Map and reduced the Community Commercial (Planned <br />Development) (CC(PD)) area west of Monarch Bay Drive from 38.2 acres to 16 acres, <br />rezoned approximately 15.5 acres to Commercial Recreation (CR), rezoned approximately 6.8 <br />acres from CC(PD) to Residential Multi-Family (24 dwellings per gross acre) (Planned <br />Development) (RM-1800(PD)), reduced the Commercial Recreation (CR) area east of Monarch <br />Bay Drive from 29.5 acres to 23.1 acres, and increased the Residential Multi-Family (22 <br />dwellings per gross acre) (Planned Development) RM-2000(PD) acreage east of <br />Monarch Bay Drive from 13.1 to 19.4 acres (the “PD Zoning”) for the Project. <br />Concurrently with the approval to enter into this Development Agreement, the City is <br />approving the following land use approvals, entitlements and permits relating to <br />the Project (“Project Approvals”): <br />4. Vesting Tentative Tract Map. Following review and recommendation by <br />the City Planning Commission and after a duly noticed public hearing, the City Council, by <br />Resolution No. 2022-083, approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8633 for development of the <br />western portion of the Project (the “Vesting Tentative Tract Map”). <br />5. Project Entitlements. Following review and recommendation by the <br />Planning Commission following a duly noticed public hearing, the City Council, by Resolution <br />No. ____________, approved the Developer Project Entitlements, including Site Plan Review <br />and Planned Development Project (the “Project Entitlements”). <br />H.After entering into this Development Agreement, the City anticipates applications <br />for additional land use approvals, entitlements, and permits to be submitted to implement and <br />operate the Project in accordance with the terms of the DDA and consistent with <br />the Project Approvals. Such applications may include, without limitation: design review <br />approvals, improvement agreements, use permits, grading permits, building permits, lot line <br />adjustments, sewer and water connection permits, certificates of occupancy, subdivision maps, <br />permits, resubdivisions, and any amendments to, or repeal of, any of the foregoing (collectively, <br />“Subsequent Approvals”). When any Subsequent Approval applicable to the Project is <br />approved by the City, each such Subsequent Approval(s) shall become subject to all the terms <br />and conditions of this Development Agreement and shall be considered part of the “Project <br />Approvals” under this Development Agreement.