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Packet 07052022
12A Action
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Last modified
7/13/2022 11:42:34 AM
Creation date
7/13/2022 11:42:08 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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4 <br />I.City has determined that the Project provides certain public benefits and <br />opportunities which are advanced by City and Developer entering into this Agreement. This <br />Agreement will, among other things: <br />1.provide for the construction of high quality single family and multifamily <br />housing units that will satisfy a portion of City’s share of the regional housing needs, <br />2.provide dining and hospitality opportunities for residents of the City and <br />their families and guests in a scenic area of the City, <br />3.provide revenues necessary for City to remove outdated materials and <br />infrastructure in the marina and the associated parking area and create a new Park Element in <br />order to remove blight and provide recreational opportunities for City residents, <br />4.provide revenues necessary for City to reconstruct the Mulford-Marina <br />Branch Library in order to enhance library resources and services for City residents, <br />5.provide for the upgrading and reconstruction of Monarch Bay Road and a <br />variety of other roads, trails, and other infrastructure projects in the Shoreline-Marina area of the <br />City, <br />6.reduce uncertainties in planning and provide for the orderly development <br />of the Project; <br />7.ensure that development will proceed in accordance with the goals and <br />policies set forth in the City of San Leandro General Plan (the “General Plan”) and will <br />implement City’s stated General Plan policies; <br />8.mitigate many significant environmental impacts; <br />9.strengthen the City’s economic base with a variety of long-term jobs, in <br />addition to shorter term construction jobs; <br />10.provide for and generate substantial revenues for the City in the form of <br />tax revenues (including real property taxes and assessments, sales and use taxes, utility user <br />taxes, transient occupancy taxes, City business license taxes, and 911 taxes), sales <br />proceeds, ground rents, fees, exactions and other fiscal benefits; and <br />11.otherwise achieve the goals and purposes for which the Development <br />Agreement Legislation was enacted. <br />J.In exchange for the benefits to City described in the preceding Recital H, together <br />with the other public benefits that will result from the development of the Project, Developer will <br />receive by this Agreement assurance that it may proceed with the Project in accordance with the <br />“Applicable Law” (as defined herein), and therefore desires to enter into this Agreement. The <br />Parties intend that the provisions of this Agreement related to vested rights and land uses will <br />apply only to those portions of the Property that are conveyed to Developer in fee or by long-
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