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San Leandro Council Member Handbook | 20212022 <br />16 | Page <br /> <br /> <br />BUSINESS ITEMS OUT OF ORDER <br />The Presiding Officer may at any time, by majority consent of the Council, permit a member to <br />introduce an ordinance, resolution, or motion out of the regular agenda order. <br /> <br />DIVISION OF QUESTION <br />If the question contains two or more divisionable propositions, the Presiding Officer may, upon <br />request of a member, (unless appealed) divide same. <br /> <br /> <br />MOTION TO FIX HOUR OF ADJOURNMENT <br />Any regular meeting can be adjourned to a stated date, time and place. <br /> <br />MOTION TO TABLE <br />A motion to table shall be used to temporarily bypass the subject. A motion to table is not <br />debatable and shall preclude all amendments or debate of the subject under consideration. <br /> <br />MOTION TO LIMIT OR TERMINATE DISCUSSION <br />Such a motion shall be used to limit or close debate on, or further amendment to, the main <br />motion and shall be undebatable. If the motion fails, debate shall be reopened; if the motion <br />passes, a vote shall be taken on the main motion. <br /> <br />MOTION TO AMEND <br />A motion to amend shall be debatable only as to amendment. A motion to amend an amendment <br />shall be in order, but a motion to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be in order. <br />An amendment modifying the intention of a motion shall be in order, but an amendment relating <br />to a different matter shall not be in order. A substitute motion on the same subject shall be <br />acceptable, and voted on before a vote on the amendment. Amendments shall be voted upon <br />first. The main motion shall then be voted on, either as amended or as originally stated, if the <br />amendment failed to pass. <br /> <br />CONTINUANCE OF MATTERS <br />1) When five (5) or fewer members of the Council are present at the scheduled meeting, <br />a request for a continuance may be made once in order that the matter may be <br />scheduled for a time when more than five (5) members are expected to be present. <br /> <br />2) Requests for continuance when there are five (5) or fewer members present shall be <br />granted unless State law or local regulations require that action be taken at that time. <br /> <br />