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<br /> <br /> Managing Tomorrow’s Resources Today <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Jennifer Auletta <br />June 22, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />1. Assist the City in implementing an SB 1383-compliant organics collection program for commercial <br />customers. <br />1.1. Continue working with ACI to ensure AB 1826 and AB 341-regulated commercial customers, <br />including multi-family, subscribe to organics collection service. <br />HF&H will coordinate with ACI and Cascadia to provide the City with a cohesive approach to <br />outreach and technical assistance for commercial customers who are not currently compliant <br />with AB 1826 and AB 341. HF&H will work with up to 77 customers, reaching out via phone to <br />the property contact, performing one site visit to meet with the property owner and providing <br />technical assistance, and providing up to three follow-up calls or emails. Each customer will <br />receive information on regulatory requirements, available services and programs, and <br />recommendations on how to set up a successful organics program. HF&H assumes up to twenty <br />percent of customers may require additional support and has designated resources to provide <br />up to two site visits, one on-site training, and additional educational resources and <br />recommendations to these customers. HF&H will collaborate with ACI to ensure organics <br />collection services are implemented or waivers are granted, as needed, and records are <br />consistently uploaded and maintained in Recyclist. HF&H expects to bring all 77 accounts into <br />compliance by the end of the 2022 calendar year. Focusing on AB 1826 and AB 341-regulated <br />generators will benefit the City twofold by fulfilling CalRecycle’s immediate enforcement efforts <br />and preparing the City to implement further SB 1383 compliance measures. <br />Throughout this task, HF&H will meet monthly with ACI and Cascadia to align outreach efforts <br />and track progress on all non-compliant commercial customers. HF&H will continue to <br />coordinate with the City and ACI, as needed, to facilitate the development of an accurate list of <br />City facilities and service levels and provide recommendations to improve organics collection at <br />City sites. HF&H will provide the City with regular updates at weekly meetings and work quickly <br />to address any challenges or setbacks that may arise. <br />1.2. Review public education and outreach efforts for compliance with SB 1383, recommend <br />adjustments, and support digital outreach. <br />HF&H will support the City in the development of consistent public education and outreach <br />messaging for compliance with SB 1383. By leveraging resources developed by StopWaste and <br />integrating them into the City’s social media platforms (e.g., NextDoor, Facebook), the City will <br />expand their reach into the digital sphere, thereby engaging a wider audience. HF&H will <br />generate one social media post per month through the remainder of the 2022 calendar year for <br />use on each of the City’s social media platforms and that may be adapted for other digital <br />outreach. When appropriate, HF&H will utilize materials produced by StopWaste and/or ACI to <br />reinforce consistent messaging and information across all three stakeholders. <br />