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<br /> <br /> Managing Tomorrow’s Resources Today <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Jennifer Auletta <br />June 22, 2022 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />HF&H will also review other types of public education and outreach collateral, as mutually <br />determined between the City and HF&H, to identify compliance gaps, offer guidance on <br />successful community-based social marketing approaches, and maintain consistent messaging. <br />The City will receive unmatched insights about developing effective educational collateral that <br />HF&H has gained by working with hundreds of jurisdictions across California. After reviewing the <br />materials, HF&H will generate an outreach and education compliance analysis that outlines the <br />SB 1383 outreach requirements and options the City may take to meet compliance. HF&H will <br />schedule a one-hour, virtual meeting with the City to review the compliance analysis and discuss <br />recommendations to leverage current programs while also meeting the City’s foundational goals <br />whether they are about cost savings, achieving zero waste, or any other combination of desired <br />outcomes. <br />1.3. In collaboration with the City and ACI, develop and implement a multi-family organics service <br />educational campaign. <br />HF&H will coordinate with ACI, the City, and StopWaste/Cascadia, as needed, to develop a multi- <br />faceted campaign to educate multi-family customers on the importance of organics recycling and <br />how to successfully participate in the City’s programs. HF&H will schedule a campaign kickoff <br />meeting with the City to determine the campaign goals, budget, resource needs, timeline, and <br />metrics for tracing success. The City will receive a campaign plan which will be used to facilitate <br />a discussion with ACI about the designation of campaign roles and responsibilities. HF&H will <br />schedule and facilitate the meeting with ACI, take notes, and revise the campaign plan to <br />incorporate roles, tasks, and responsibilities discussed. HF&H will utilize examples from our <br />comprehensive internal database of educational collateral, resources from StopWaste and ACI, <br />and language developed in Task 1.2 to generate up to two pieces of written collateral specific to <br />the campaign that meet regulatory compliance and the City’s need. We will additionally review <br />up to six educational materials generated by the City or ACI as part of the campaign for quality <br />and consistency with the campaign brand. <br />Throughout the campaign, HF&H will monitor progress by tracking the distribution of educational <br />materials, including the delivery of kitchen pails to multi-family units by ACI, and monitoring the <br />success metrics identified in the campaign kickoff meeting. <br />2. Assist City in developing a recordkeeping and reporting system and processes to meet SB 1383 <br />jurisdiction reporting requirements. <br />2.1. Implement and train City staff on new recordkeeping system. <br />HF&H has developed a proprietary data tracking and management system that can integrate <br />easily with the City’s current databases, hauler reports, or other reporting systems, as necessary. <br />The City will save time and costs by applying this pre-developed tool that includes capabilities to <br />track edible food recovery data, outreach and education activities, program descriptions, and <br />many other SB 1383 implementation record requirements. HF&H will offer up to two