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File Number: 22-428 <br />·The second public meeting was held on July 19, 2017, at the lecture hall of the San Leandro <br />Main Library. Two design concepts were presented. One included protected bike lanes while <br />the other did not. Most attendees favored the design concept with the protected bike lanes. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget for the subject contract <br />amendment. However, additional appropriations from the Developer Fees for Street <br />Improvement Fund will be requested when a contract for construction is presented for award. <br />·Capital Improvement Fund, Account 210-28-193 $80,000 <br />·Capital Improvement Fund, Account 210-38-290 $10,000 <br />·Capital Improvement Fund, Account 210-38-901 $1,274,134 <br />·Capital Improvement Fund, Account 120-28-193 $243,000 <br />Total $1,607,134 <br />The estimated total cost of this multi-fund project is shown below. <br />Preliminary Design $4,910 <br />Design and Bid with Amendment 5 $656,213 <br />Estimated cost of Decertification Area $20,000 <br />Construction Contract $2,093,035 <br />Constr. Management, Insp. & Contingencies $348,208 <br />Total $3,122,366 <br />This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are funds available in the <br />FY2022-2023 adopted budget. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A: Resolution approve amendment 5 to BKF Engineers Roundabout Design <br />Project <br />Ex A 1: CSA Amendment 5 - BKF Engineers Roundabout Design Project <br />Attachment B: CSA Scope of Work for Amendment #5 <br />Attachment C: CSA Compensation Schedule for Amendment #5 <br />Attachment D: Original CSA between the City of San Leandro and BKF Engineers <br />PREPARED BY: Kyle K. Lei, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022