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<br /> <br />Amendment #5 adds the following to Exhibit A of the Agreement entitled “Scope of Services”: <br /> <br />Addition to Task 1 – Project Management and Coordination <br />The Consultant shall provide additional services including biweekly meetings with the City; coordination meetings with <br />Caltrans, San Leandro, and Oakland; coordination meetings with various utilities; support services related to NEPA and <br />Caltrans right-of-way decertification. <br /> <br />Addition to Task 2 – Preliminary Studies, Investigations, and Design <br />Consultant shall provide additional services related to performing a supplemental topographic survey; slope stability survey; retaining <br />wall preliminary design and type selection; design standards decision document; utility encroachment policy exception request; and <br />miscellaneous memos and reports. <br /> <br />Addition to Task 5 – 100% PS&E <br />Consultant to provide additional services replaced to the preparation and response to design comments for the 100% PS&E <br />package due to Caltrans comments and the additional design work for the retaining wall. <br /> <br />Addition to Task 6 – Final PS&E <br />Consultant to provide additional services replaced to the preparation and response to design comments for the final PS&E <br />package due to Caltrans comments and the additional design work for the retaining wall. <br /> <br />Addition to Task 8 – Final Ready to List / PEER PS&E Package <br />Consultant shall review, resolve and respond to comments from Caltrans on the final PS&E documents; assemble final encroachme nt <br />permit and project documents for bid advertisement, PEER check list; and final encroachment permit application. <br /> <br />Additional to Tasks 2,3 and 4 for Harris Design <br />Provide modifications to landscaping design per Caltrans review comments <br /> <br />Scope for Biggs Cardosa Associates <br />Subconsultant shall provide services related to design coordination; wall type selection; preparation of 65%, 95% and 100% design <br />PS&E for the new retaining wall. <br /> <br />Scope for Parikh Consultants, Inc. <br />Subconsultant shall provide research existing geological information; conduct field exploration (soils boring, sampling and testing); and <br />Geotechnical Engineering design services related to the new retaining wall