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File Number: 22-466 <br />Solid Waste Service Charges$ 30,559 41 <br />CUPA Fees $ 6,894 12 <br />Code Compliance $ 20,023 6 <br />Code Enforcement $12,659 7 <br />Sidewalk Repairs $22,880 20 <br />Total $ 93,015 86 <br />Revenues will be recognized when the fees and charges are collected by Alameda County on <br />behalf of the City. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A: Resolution Authorize imposing liens <br />Attachment B: Resolution Overruling protests <br />Attachment C: Lists of delinquent accounts subject to lien <br />·C1: List No. 2022-001 for solid waste fees and charges, <br />·C2: List No. 2022-002 for sidewalk repair, <br />·C3: List No. 2022-003 for CUPA fees, <br />·C4: List No. 2022-004 for code enforcement, <br />·C5: List No. 2022-005 for code compliance copies <br />Attachment D: Presentation <br />PREPARED BY: Susan Hsieh. Finance Director, Finance Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022