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C. Finding That the proposed use, subject to any specified conditions will <br />not result in substantial hazard or nuisance to persons or property by reason of odor, <br />dust, smoke, glare, heavy traffic, water or air pollution, electrical interference, or through <br />risk or fire, explosion or other exposure to dangerous materials or conditions, or any <br />similar nuisances or risks. <br />The Environmental Impact Report results from the GDP EIR and PDP Supplemental <br />EIR establish that the proposed implementation of the Phase 2 and 3 development will not <br />result in hazards or nuisances caused by odors, smoke, electrical interference, or explosions. <br />Following extensive studies and documents relating to hazardous materials, the <br />Department of Toxic Substances Control and the Regional Water Quality Control Board have <br />approved a Work Plan to address hazardous materials clean-up of the site. Most of the <br />remediation work has been completed with the remaining clean-up to be completed in the <br />spring of 1996. All remediation measures are required to be completed prior to occupancy of <br />any of the homes in the Roberts Landing Residential Development. <br />Potential impacts to construction workers or new residents associated with the presence <br />of non-residential quality soils, construction materials or electromagnetic fields will be <br />mitigated by remediation, inspection and distribution of notices and other information to new <br />residents. <br />D. Finding That the proposed use, subject to any specified conditions, will <br />be consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinance. <br />The Precise Development Plan for Phases 2A, 2B and 3 is located within the area <br />designated RS (PD) (S) (single-family residential (planned development) with special review <br />overlay. In addition to the project's compliance with the zoning standards established by the <br />RS (PD) zoning, the project must also comply with the 15 special review criteria identified by <br />the "S" Overlay Zone. The Precise Development Plan includes a combination of open space <br />and residential housing consistent with the zoning for the Project Area. The December 8, 1995 <br />staff report includes a document entitled "Conditions of Approval with Staff Explanations." <br />This document includes each of the conditions of approval from the GDP EIR and identifies <br />how each of the conditions required to be met at the PDP stage have been met for the Precise <br />Development Plan application for Phases 2A, 2B and 3 with the exception of the Court Homes <br />concept for Phase 3, which is the subject of a proposed General Development Plan <br />Amendment, the proposed Precise Development Plan is consistent with the applicable zoning <br />and the "S" review criteria. Also, as described in the document entitled "Special Review <br />Criteria Established by the Roberts Landing Initiative," which is incorporated herein by <br />reference, the proposed PDP is consistent with the additional special review criteria set forth <br />in the Roberts Landing Initiative. <br />The proposed Phases 2 and 3 of the Roberts Landing Precise Development Plan are consistent <br />with the objectives established by the City Council in its approval of the General Development <br />Plan in that this development completes the Roberts Landing Residential Development. The <br />