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approval. Implementation of the restoration actions, monitoring, reporting and funding <br />assurances described in the Mitigation and Monitoring Plan would reduce potentially <br />significant impacts to a less than significant level. To address the issue of potential <br />increased mosquito problems raised by the proximity of residential units to the wetland <br />areas, the Applicant will consult with the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District <br />and implement appropriate measures (e.g., disseminating literature to prospective home <br />buyers). <br />B.2 POTENTIAL IMPACT: Additional losses of and/or impacts to wetlands <br />may result from access requirements to PG&E transmission towers, four of which are <br />located within the Citation Homes property of proposed Citation Wetlands Enhancement <br />Area. <br />FINDING: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, <br />the project that avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant environmental <br />effect. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The four towers on Citation property are all <br />located in wetlands and do not have direct road access at present. Under the Mitigation <br />and Monitoring Plan, the central levee would be lowered to four feet NGVD and would <br />be designed with an eight -foot -wide flattened top. With appropriate vehicles and <br />equipment, access to the PG&E towers will remain feasible using this levee. However, <br />increased flooding of the wetlands resulting from restoring tidal action in the Citation <br />Wetlands Enhancement Area would make it less convenient for PG&E personnel to <br />directly access the towers. Should PG&E desire any additional access directly to the <br />towers, structures such as catwalks may be necessary. Installation of elevated catwalks <br />on pilings could result in wetland impacts beyond those previously estimated. <br />However, any additional losses of and/or impacts to wetlands would likely be minor, <br />given the overall wetland benefits provided by the project. Any additional access to the <br />towers will be non -intrusive, consistent with the objectives of both Citation's and the <br />City's wetland restoration activities, and available only to authorized personnel. <br />B.3 POTENTIAL IMPACT: The proposed development may disturb the <br />adjacent sensitive wildlife habitat by increasing human and domestic pet presence in <br />natural areas. <br />FINDING: Buffer zones, pedestrian trails, habitat fences and other protective <br />features have been required in, or incorporated into, the project that avoid or <br />substantially lessen the potential significant environmental effect. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The public access trail, as proposed, would <br />significantly help control human intrusion by being sited within a specific portion of <br />the buffer area rather than allowing indiscriminate incursions into the wetlands. The <br />pedestrian access trail includes the planting of dense vegetation and installation of a <br />habitat fence. The vegetation and the fence would restrict human intrusion into <br />