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EXHIBIT A <br />Scope of Services <br />January 17, 1996 <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />The San Leandro Park Master Plan is intended to be a comprehensive document to <br />guide the City's delivery of recreation services through the system of City -owned <br />parks and other recreation facilities. The plan will analyze the City's existing park <br />system, evaluate demand for park and recreation services, and develop short-term <br />and long-term action plans for park system improvements. The Proposed Scope of <br />Services provides a detailed description of the specific work tasks. <br />The master plan will review the existing facilities and compare them to established <br />norms for communities of similar size, composition, demographics, and the needs <br />and desires of the residents of the City of San Leandro. The master plan will identify <br />such items as number of parks, location and service area, size, use, aesthetics, <br />compliance with ADA requirements, and maintenance. The master plan will <br />identify the long-term needs of the community for new or expanded facilities and <br />short-term projects to enhance existing facilities. A prioritized listing of projects <br />will be developed. <br />The time horizon for the short-term action plan will be ten years (1995 to 2005). The <br />time horizon for the long-term plan will be 20 years (2005 to 2015). It is anticipated <br />that the majority of the recommendations will concern the existing facilities. <br />However, opportunities for creation of new facilities (if warranted by the demand <br />analysis) will also be evaluated. <br />The plan's emphasis will be on facilities to serve City recreation programs and other <br />uses, rather than on evaluating and recommending program changes and new <br />programs. <br />The potential for public school grounds to contribute to the community's recreation <br />needs will be evaluated. Because the City does not control these lands, however, <br />detailed analysis and specific recommendations will not be made. <br />The City will be responsible for providing overall project direction. The City will <br />provide reproducible copies of the existing aerial photographs and a public works - <br />type city street map to the consultant. The City will also be responsible for all <br />meeting noticing and project mailings. <br />Exhibit A City -Wide Park Master Plan <br />Page 1 of 6 Callander Associates <br />