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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Task 1. Prepare a Study Plan <br />Contractor will prepare a study plan for review and approval by City and Bay Area Air <br />Quality Management District (BAAQMD). The plan will present detailed methods and <br />procedures for the field studies of Tasks 2 through 6, discussed below, following Rules <br />and Guidelines from BAAQMD. A project -specific health and safety plan will also be <br />prepared as part of the study plan in accordance with federal Occupational Safety and <br />Health Administration (OSHA) regulation 29CFR 1910.120. The health and safety plan <br />will be followed during field work. <br />City will provide Contractor a site base map showing the dimensions of existing site <br />improvements for the preparation of the study plan. <br />Task 2. Conduct Perimeter Gas Migration Study <br />Contractor will install up to 5 temporary landfill gas monitoring probes around the east <br />and south boundary (inboard) of the site, immediately outside the waste area, at intervals <br />no greater than one thousand feet. The gas probes will be approximately 10 feet below <br />ground surface. Landfill gas samples will be collected from each of the five monitoring <br />probes for the analysis of methane and oxygen gases. The temporary gas monitoring <br />probes will be removed after the completion of gas sample collection and holes will be <br />sealed properly. <br />Task 3. Perform Surface Emissions Scan <br />Following the approval of the study plan (Task 1), Contractor's technical staff will <br />perform a surface emissions scan on the site. This task involves walking a grid pattern <br />on site with an organic vapor analyzer (OVA) equipped with a flame ionization detector <br />(FID) to measure methane concentration near the surface. The OVA will be specifically <br />calibrated for methane analysis. Any areas with surface methane reading exceeding 1,000 <br />ppm will be recorded. <br />Exhibit A <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />9/26/88 Rev. <br />1/10/90 Rev. <br />