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Reso 1996-041 to 045
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1996-041 to 045
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Task 4. Collect Landfill Gas for Attachment I Chemical Analysis <br />Contractor will install five temporary landfill gas collection probes on site to a maximum <br />depth of approximately 15 feet, at locations agreed by City and BAAQMD. Landfill gas <br />samples will be collected from each of the five probes for the analyses of Calderon <br />Attachment I compounds (volatile halogenated compounds), and methane, nitrogen and <br />non-speciated total organics. The temporary gas monitoring probes will be removed after <br />the completion of gas sample collection and holes sealed properly. <br />Task 5. Collect Landfill Gas for Methane and Organic Content Study <br />At twenty random grid locations on the site, Contractor will collect landfill gas samples <br />from waste filled areas by driving a gas collection probe into the vertical center of each <br />of the twenty identified waste areas. Gas samples will be collected using either Tedlar <br />bags or SUMMA canisters and will be analyzed for methane, nitrogen and non-speciated <br />total organics. A total of 15 gas samples will be collected and analyzed under Task 5 <br />(additional 5 gas samples under Task 4 above). <br />City will provide a backhoe and an operator at no charge to Contractor to remove cover <br />soil and wastes, as necessary, for gas collection and waste composition study (Task 6). <br />City will also be responsible for underground utility clearance prior to excavation, for site <br />security, and for restoration of the site to its original conditions. <br />Task 6. Study Waste Composition <br />At twenty random grid locations agreed by the BAAQMD, City will remove cover soil <br />and expose waste materials, which will be physically examined and described by <br />Contractor. Relative percentage of composition of wastes will also be estimated At two <br />selected locations, City will remove approximately one cubic yard of wastes from each <br />location, place the waste in a suitable bind and dry the waste naturally. Contractor will <br />separate the dried waste into identifiable categories, such as plastics, papers, metals, <br />concrete, by mud, etc, and weigh the waste in each category. <br />As stated above, City will provide a backhoe and an operator at no charge to Contractor <br />to remove cover soil and waste for the waste composition study. City will be responsible <br />for underground utility clearance prior to excavation, for site security, and for restoration <br />of the site to its original conditions. City will also provide two bins to contain the <br />excavated waste and be responsible for their drying operation and security. <br />Exhibit A <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />9/26/88 Rev. <br />1/10/90 Rev. <br />
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