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INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION AND LIABILITY CLAIMS <br />ADJUSTING & ADMINISTRATION <br />SERVICE CONTRACT <br />AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT <br />THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT made and entered into the 15th day of March, 1982, and <br />as amended, by and between the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO and GEORGE HILLS <br />COMPANY, INCORPORATED is hereby amended only with respect to Items VII, and VIII <br />to read in full as follows: <br />VII CONSIDERATION <br />City agrees to pay Administrator an annual claims administration fee for <br />service set forth in paragraph VI herein, in the sum of Three Thousand Six <br />Hundred Dollars ($3,600.00), payable monthly in arrears in twelve (12) equal <br />installments of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). In addition, time and <br />expense charges for claims and adjusting services as set forth in paragraphs <br />II, III, IV and V herein will be billed to the City according to the schedule <br />attached hereto as Exhibit "A-1" <br />VIII TERM <br />The term of this contract shall be one (1) year commencing July 1, 1996 and <br />expiring June 30, 1997. <br />In all other respects, the above noted agreement shall remain in full force and effect. <br />Dated June 19, 1996 <br />Attest: <br />as to form: <br />.1 City Aktorney <br />Appro ed a %t Budget Authority <br />John e an s. Finance Direc <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, <br />for <br />BY: <br />City <br />GEORG LLS MPANY, INC. <br />BY: <br />eor C. Hills, Chairman <br />