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C. Mediation <br />Type of Assistance: Meet with parties in tenant -landlord dispute (when there <br />appears to be an opportunity for resolution); explain rights and <br />obligations of each party, negotiate resolution. <br />Estimated Number of Clients: (City must approve mediation cases in advance). <br />Hours of Operation: As required. <br />Responses Goal: As arranged with the City. <br />1. Subgrantee shall provide mediation of housing disputes between landlords <br />and tenants as needed for eviction intervention and deposit refunds. <br />Consultant shall seek City's approval of mediation services on a case by case <br />basis. <br />2. Subgrantee shall obtain authorization for mediation assistance from the City <br />in advance. <br />3. Subgrantee shall keep records of all mediation meetings. <br />4. Subgrantee shall advise the City of the mediation resolution within three <br />business days. <br />D. Quarterly and Annual Reports <br />1. The subgrantee shall provide City quarterly and annual reports on all <br />inquiries handled. Subgrantee shall submit such reports within 30 days of the <br />end of the quarter. The reports shall provide the type and total number of <br />cases served, according to the following categories: <br />(1) Above 80-percent of median income (adjusted for household size). <br />(2) 50-80 percent of median income (adjusted for household size). <br />(3) Below 50 percent. <br />(4) Large family (5 or more persons). <br />(5) Small family (1 - 4 persons). <br />(6) Female head of household. <br />(7) Ethnicity. <br />(8) Under 18, 18-61, or over 62 years of age. <br />Exhibit A <br />ECHO - FAIR HOUSING 1996-97 F.Y. <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />