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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 97 - fib (t 05 t ) <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING CITY OF SAN LEANDRO BUDGET <br />FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 AND APPROPRIATING ALL <br />REVENUE THEREFOR <br />Pursuant to San Leandro City Charter, Section 505, the City Manager has submitted to this <br />Council a proposed budget of the 1997-98 fiscal year entitled "City of San Leandro City Manager's <br />Proposed Budget 1997-98", a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. <br />Pursuant to Section 510 of the Charter, this Council has duly and properly noticed and held <br />a public hearing on the proposed budget, all interested persons having been heard at said hearing. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE <br />That the proposed budget for 1997-98 fiscal year referenced above is hereby designated and <br />adopted as the City of San Leandro Budget for fiscal year 1997-98. <br />That the revenues received and amounts stated herein are hereby appropriated to the several <br />purposes, departments, activities, funds, reserves and offices therein specified for fiscal year 1997- <br />98. <br />Introduced by Council Member Loeffler and passed and adopted this <br />16th day of June, 1997, by the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: Council Members Galvan, Glaze, Loeffler, Lothrop, Polvorosa, Young; <br />Mayor Corbett (7) <br />NOES: None (0 ) <br />ABSENT: None (0) <br />Attest: j".& <br />Gayte Pet en, City Clerk <br />f:\BudAdopt\1997\9 doptBud.doc <br />