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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 98 - 17 (2648 ) <br />A RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE <br />DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY <br />BY THE DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES <br />WHEREAS, Government Code § 8630 authorizes an official designated by City <br />ordinance to proclaim the existence of a local emergency when the City Council is not in <br />session so long as such proclamation is ratified by the City Council within seven days; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro has weathered a series of storms characterized by <br />heavy rains and high winds, including severe storms on February 3 and February 6, 1998, <br />which caused severe soil saturation, subsidence and flooding and posed other dangers to <br />persons and property within the City of San Leandro; and <br />WHEREAS the City's Director of Emergency Services is empowered to declare and did <br />declare a local emergency on February 6, 1998 at if : a.m. /prm. , by executing the attached <br />Declaration of Local Emergency; and <br />WHEREAS the City Council concurs with the Director of Emergency Services that the <br />above described events constitute an actual emergency, resulting in conditions of flooding, <br />high winds and soil subsidence that pose an extreme peril to the safety of persons and property <br />within the entire City; and <br />WHEREAS, these conditions are likely to be beyond the control of the services, <br />personnel, equipment and facilities of this City, and the combined forces of other political <br />subdivisions will be required to combat these dangers. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the attached Declaration of Local Emergency issued by the <br />Director of Emergency Services is hereby ratified and confirmed. This local emergency shall <br />continue until terminated by further Resolution of the City Council. The City Council shall <br />review this condition at each Council meeting until terminated, pursuant to Government Code <br />§ 8630(c). <br />